Netbeans Plugins don't work

so I’m working in netbeans, and I tried to plug in the plugins, and it shouted an error message. so I continued, and now it won’t work. It just don’t recognize the FIRST classes…

any help?

When you create a new project, does the template of the FRC plugins work? Or is it simply that the plugins do nothing?

it creates a new robot template project, but in that project it don’t recognize any of the FIRST classes, like Jaguar and Solenoid, and the import of the IterativeRobot is marked as an error…

if it helps, it is only the FRC plugins that don’t work. all the normal java classes and plugins are working perfectly…

The first thing to try is to

  • Uninstall the FRC modules.
  • Restart Netbeans
  • Reinstall the FRC modules.

If there is an error, please write it down. If it doesn’t make sense post it here.

Also look for a tab in NetBeans called “Output” or “Install”. This may have additional information about the install process.

the FRC plugins don’t appear in the “installed” tab of the “plugins” window, so I can’t uninstall them… but I did add them in the usual way, and installed them from the “Available Plugins” tab…

i also tried to install another plugin, the “JConsole”, to see that the problem isn’t in the netbeans, and it worked perfectly…

OK, so if I write the line
“import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.IterativeRobot;”
so it does’nt mark this line as error, but it marks the “extends IterativeRobot” as error. It does the same thing for Jagaur. and if i change the line to
“import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.XHDLVUI;” it still don’t mark this line as error…

it marks the line “package bot” as error, no matter what is the name of the package, and it writes:
“cannot access java.lang
Fatal Error: Unable to find package java.lang in classpath or bootclasspath”


When you installed the FRC modules again, did you see an error message again? What was it?

Any info on this front?

Also look for a tab in NetBeans called “Output” or “Install”. This may have additional information about the install process.

If not, try restarting NetBeans and look again. Also check to see if FRC icon shows up next to the “Save All” icon in the NetBeans window, and if the FRC modules show up as “installed”.

There were some reports of trouble installing or running the FRC modules if the machine is low on memory. Related to this, reporting the version of NetBeans used, and what bundle (SE, EE, C++, etc) would help.

when i reinstalled it, it showed an error message “plugins not signed”.
the FRC logo does show up next to the Save as.
the FRC modules are been show in the “installed” list.
I restarted the netbeans and uninstalled the plugins and reinstalled them at least 10 times…

Was your NetBeans project created by NetBeans using an FRC Java template or sample?

In any case, please post the full output with the error after trying to build your project. There may be more details there.