
Our team was wondering if it is required to use the provided driver station during competition. A separate laptop is currently being used with all of our programming files on it, and it receives feedback from the robot.

The provided netbook is not functioning the same way, and is not running our programs. We have not found information in the rule book about the usage of the netbook during competition, and would like to know if it is required.


-Team 695

Quick search of the “manual” and found this…

[FONT=Arial][size=3][size=2]<R57>[/size][/size] [/FONT][FONT=Arial]The cRIO-FRC , Classmate PC, wireless bridge, and wireless router must be configured to correspond to the correct team number (assigned to the team by [/FONT][FONT=Arial]FIRST[/FONT][FONT=Arial]). The procedures for configuring these devices are contained in the FRC control system documentation.[/FONT]

<R80>, <R83>, <R84> & <R85> all specify the Classmate sooooo,

[LEFT][FONT=Arial]Guess you have to use it…[/FONT][/LEFT]

Check out section 8.3.10, specifically:

The DRIVER STATION provided in the KOP is the only system permitted to collate driver/operator inputs and communicate them to the ROBOT. Operator Interfaces and devices from previous FIRST competitions shall not be used.

<R82> Teams are permitted to connect a portable computing device (Laptop computer, PDAs, etc.) to the DRIVER STATION for the purpose of displaying feedback from the ROBOT while participating in competition MATCHES. Portable computing devices may only connect to the DRIVER STATION through one of the USB ports or through the breadboard – they shall not connect to the DRIVER STATION through any other port. Portable computing devices may only connect to the DRIVER STATION – they must not directly connect to any ARENA ports or equipment. Please note that AC power will not be available at the PLAYERS STATIONS so these devices will have to run on internal batteries or be self-powered.

You MUST use the provided driver station (meaning the Classmate PC). Any additional portable computing devices (like the laptop you’re currently using) can be included, but there are very strict limitations on how they can be hooked up and what they can do.

Thanks for this information. It was greatly appreciated and helped very much.
