Network Tables in java, for LABview Dashboard

Hi All,
I am currently trying to use LABview’s Dashboard, with the robot which is running java code. We are trying to get the gyroscope on the robot, to be read be LABview, and show/present that output to the gauge.
I found this link:
And we followed it for the java part.
For the LABview part, which is basically telling labview to look at the network tables, and take the number (which is given as a double), and use it in the gauge. When we run the program, the info is used in the “variables” tab on the dashboard, all the way at the bottom, under “datatable”. What we are looking at is “angle”. The number under “angle” does respond when we rotate the gyroscope, but the gauge will not react. I am completely new to this, so any suggestions and help are welcome.
Thanks in advance.

Below are our java (, and LABview(2014 Dashboard files. (8.46 KB)
2014 Dashboard (446 KB) (8.46 KB)
2014 Dashboard (446 KB)

Add a slash before datatable in your LabVIEW block diagram (ie /datatable/angle).