Network Tables Issue

I’m trying to create a PID visualization system using python and matplotlib. I’m putting the values of the joystick on the smart dashboard but I’m unable to get the value through python using pynetworktables. Here’s my code to access the values.

from networktables import NetworkTable


table = NetworkTable.getTable("SmartDashboard")
left = table.getNumber("left")

I get the error KeyError: ‘/SmartDashboard/left’

I’m on the team network and I’ve confirmed that “left” is being published to the Smart Dashboard. Any reason why this isn’t working?

NetworkTables values aren’t available instantly, it takes a short period of time to connect to the server and synchronize.

Is there a way to check whether or not the connection has been made?

Yes. Have you read the documentation or looked through the examples yet? I recommend doing so.

Nice, thank you!