I just got a Toshiba laptop (M-30 with centrino technology)
and i got a Linksys wireless router. I want to create a network between my laptop and my families desktop to share files and mainly share the internet connection.
The computer that i am connecting to is and old computer running windows me and i want to connect to it with my laptop running xp, and i want to use my desktops dial up connection to share onto my laptop.
I have got both computers to see the router and connect to a network and transfer files and printers ex. and this is using the tcp/ip protocol and i want to use the Me’s computer to share the internet so i set up ics (internet connection sharing) on it and it was set up correctly and at one point the computer said that 2 computers were using the internet connection.
My problem that i am having is that when i go on internet explorer on my laptop it gives me the error saying no website found ex. i have used my laptop on the schools lan network and the internet works just fine, so i was wondering if internet explorer has to be set up to use the wireless lan or maybe a network setting has to be used??? And i manually set the ip addresses to (Desktop host Me) and (Laptop Xp home) both with a subnet mask of
Has anyone have any idea how to get the laptop to work with the connection, people have done it i just don’t know how. And my network works just not the internet sharing
First off, internet exploder doesn’t know what you are using for your internet connection. XP handles that.
Secondly, dos and XP do not mix well. They can, but it is a pita.
Thirdly, I’ve never dealt with a computer sharing its internet connection like that. We didn’t bother networking the house until 4-5 years ago when we got our cable modem.
Fourthly, try and set up the laptop to dialup and share that with the desktop. XP has much more powerful and easy to use network creation features. Me was never really designed to be a network OS.
I might be wrong, but I don’t think you can do that kind of procedure with a router.
Basically a router works by getting an initial IP address from a source, which is from a Cable/DSL/LAN connection. Then it assigns a 192.168.. IP address to every computer that it is connected to.
You are getting an error message because the router does not have a source. It doesn’t matter if another computer is connected to the Internet the router doesn’t recognize it. It will only will allow you it to share files between the two computers.
Some routers have a built-in modem, if that is the case, then use it instead.
I have seen some people have successfully used a switch, and turned on internet sharing, which the computer acts like a server, and gives out IP address. But that option is only available in XP/2000/NT. I do not believe that Windows 9x had any capabilities like that.
I read somewhere that aparently you can wirelessly share a dialup connection, but on the laptop it is so incredibly slow that its not even worth the effort.
Thats my advice…don’t mess with sharing dialup because its not even worth the effort.
I do it daily at home. It’s not blazingly fast, but even in my room where the signal is weak, it’s not incredibly slow. It’s as fast as the dial up connection- you don’t lose any in the wireless. Splitting it between two computers can be an issue, but most of the time all we are running are some IM stuff and web browsers. It avoids the problem of all the computers having to fight for use of the phone line. We may not get the pages loaded quite as fast, but at least we get them.
I use a pretty cheesy usb wireless hub from belkin. I used XP to set up the network, and the hub DHCP’s my laptop with out issue. I can even remotely dial the desktop in from my laptop. I get working coverage all over the house
Maybe its not worth it to some people, but it sure is a lot easier then running a second phone line up to my room that would be shared with the desktop anyways, and fun to be able to log on anywhere in the house.
Thanks for the advice you guys, I know that dialup is slow but i live in the country and i can’t get cable or dsl internet and there is no way i am going to pay for satelight when i use my school connection to do any large downloads, but i have a copy of xp that i am going to load on my machine downstairs and hope my sister doesn’t want to run anything more than office and the internet (computer to slow!!!)Thanks again any problems I’ll post again.