One of my private joys, when time permits, is to visit the Chief Delphi site. I have been reading and posting to this site (infrequently) since it’s inception.
I had to share this thought.
Robot Sports is old enough to have it’s first history book.
The new book, GEARHEADS, authored by Brad Stone, a writer for Newsweek Magazine, recently debuted. I just finished reading it. If I could have written a book like it, I would have.
In the book, Brad Chronicles the story of Robot-Sports through the eyes of the people who shaped it. And he does it well.
This is a story that belongs to all of us, and especially to people who traffic this forum and who have trafficked this forum in years past, people whom I respect, remember and admire.
Brad’s book is about the community that surrounds the Sport of Robotics. An extended community we are all a part of.
This young author has done us all a good turn. He has told our story, and in my humble opinion, told it with a reporters impartiality.
Mech-Sports, was born to the children of the 80’s and 90’s. It will mature with them, and they will become responsible for the direction it takes. Brad Stone has taken the time provide them with a historical perspective, while it is still fresh enough to record with accuracy.
The young writer from Newsweek has written a book that will, in time become a resource for anyone who cares to look back to the genesis of robotic sports in order to understand it, anytime in the future.
This is our story really. One that Mr. Stone has chronicled to date, but a story that is far from over. Each and everyone of us who participates in robotic sports events is a part of this continuing story and we are all responsible for the remaining chapters.
I would like to thank Brad for the months of research it took to write this book, for the insight into the history of this, still emerging, sport, and for recognizing that the significance of mech sports lies in the fact that good, decent, hard working and (sometimes) intelligent people simply like the camaraderie of other good, decent, hardworking and (sometimes) intelligent people. Brad clearly reports that robot sports are successful because people (like to) build robots.
I am certain that some young students reading this will, in time, write a thesis about this (Robot Sport) phenomenon we are all a part of. One, or more of you will endeavor to understand the motives, and the consequences of what we are doing.
One of you will one day be the custodians for university programs like 2.007 or perhaps be the producers of a Techno-Extravaganza of unimaginable sophistication. Regardless, you will have a shared historical perspective, you will have recognizable roots and a history born of the vision of artists, University Professors, Entrepreneurs and, most important, yourselves.
When that time comes, recognize that what you have been a part of, has a history, and that that history was shaped by the visions and dreams and expectations of the people who birthed the phenomenon as well as those who participated in it. GEARHEADS offers a close up look at those visions, dreams and passions.
Let’s remain active in the creation of our own history, and let’s take a moment to celebrate the men and women who take the time to chronicle our achievements and our folly.
Thanks Brad, for recognizing our passions, and for providing us with a mirrored look at who we are.