New design model recently made, any suggestions?

Hello cd community, our team over the summer came together and figured out one of the biggest things holding us back is our design process. So we decided to scrap the old process and replace it with a new process. The pic below will show you a diagram of this new process:

Any comments on the new process are much appreciated :slight_smile:!


Off the top of my head I came up with this:

  • What is a problem? Who defines these problems that will be solved?

  • How long does each stage last? Designers would love to spend 3 months on a design that needs to be done in a couple of weeks.

  • Not to sure what research problem means. Is it research past solutions? Or make sure you know everything about the problem? Both?

  • What’s the difference between the two matrices (maybe I’m just being dumb)

  • Why prototype after CADing? Is there a preliminary prototyping stage? Why not?

  • Why not determine prototyping variables before making the prototype?

  • “Determine new variables to test…” seems like the last step in the circle but that doesn’t make sense. Are you re-doing your matrix or where are these new variables coming from?

  • You make it seem that the design circle should continue forever. There is certainly a time limit, so I wouldn’t suggest writing ‘or fails to obtain a variable and fails’ because that implies keep going forever. Might just be me, though.

  • When do people make an accurate CAD? It sounds like you’re making multiple ‘designs’ and the CAD is ‘basic’, but how basic? Before you send off to manufacturing, it needs to accurate, not a rough CAD. Also, for ‘designs will be used in final robot’, are you using multiple designs for the same problem? Maybe you should specify that these are for different systems.

  • I would hesitate to think that after manufacturing it’s ‘done’; why not analyze issues that come up? Re-cycle to mitigate them?

  • Is this being tracked anywhere so you can go back and reference it later? (ie write it down; maybe this comment is irrelevant to the main topic)

2cents: I still have miles to go in term of designing, I’m sure older people will correct me where I messed up above.

Also, I admire that you guys set out to fix out the issues you found and set a process out. I would, however, wonder what’s enforcing a designer to follow this.

Good luck with designing!

Oh, last note: maybe you don’t care but the ribbons and the font size choices make it hard to read. The 3d element both wastes screenspace and distracts the reader. And the small black font on green background isn’t super easy to read. :slight_smile:


Glad to see teams putting in the work to improve. A few suggestions:

  • Prior to (or merged with) problem definition is strategy… Identifying the strategic needs & wants and robot requirements that result. I recommend watching one of 1678’s Strategic Design workshop videos to see what you glean.
  • It would be good to find some ways to simplify the view. See if you can merge a couple steps…
  • Concerning matrices, using them to figure out what ideas meet more requirements than others can be good, but I recommend not overdoing them. Many teams have moved away from weighted objectives tables (there was a CD dialog on that the past year or two), and they instead narrow their idea lists via mentor + student leader dialog, which can be both faster and yield better decisions.
  • The earlier response stressing time management is spot on… You need to be aware of your time constraints and be disciplined about sticking to a schedule (or getting at least close). The team I mentor is quite time-constrained, and we have to be very selective about what to prototype, when we have to lock certain decisions so design/CAD can proceed full speed, etc. If we fail, the consequence will be bringing an under-programmed robot that the drive team has not driven much and that might just break down during match 1 because it’s untested. I think the general build calendar from the recently updated Guide to Running an FRC Team from HQ is a pretty solid reference.

Good luck!


A general tip about data visualization: as much as possible, your visual information should be meaningful.

Those ribbon designs are really distracting - make sure you’re picking the node representations in your flowchart intentionally, so that they mean something.


Plenty of good comments for you to resolve in the 4 posts so far so I’ll try to help a little and not confuse with these somewhat redundant comments.

I assume your motivation is better to design a robot to play the game starting early January. Given that, you can be more specific about your “Define problem.” Maybe you already do a good job of that so list the steps you have successfully taken in the past.

Possible examples are in the order that we do them are read the game manual, evaluate scoring opportunities (and secondarily, defending), set priorities on the parts of the game to play, ideate mechanisms with sketches that accomplish all the tasks, build and test prototypes. Send to CAD design the best ideas for the priority mechanisms.

You can describe who you expect to do these tasks - split into small groups, individual study, group as a whole, volunteers - for each process step.

I have mentioned in other posts that we try to build fast, rudimentary prototypes for everything that at least one student is willing to try to build. If an idea doesn’t get any takers to build a prototype, then that idea dies.

All this happens pretty fast and if my assumption that this is early January, you can right now put down dates, time limitations, schedules, etc…

Another aspect of defining the problem can be who are the stakeholders of process steps. You might (or might not) say the owner is the team and the game drives the design but that thought wears off pretty fast and in my mind the team efforts are directed to satisfying the “Driver/Operator.” Too often I see especially software programmers making unilateral decisions despite the fact they aren’t the ones with the pressure of only 2 min 15 sec to score big and win the blue banner. (I know, I know, scouting, pit maintenance, solid construction and a lot more are needed to win but maybe you understand my concern that the Driver/Operator is sometimes neglected.)

You probably are aware that there are thousands of Design Process charts on the Internet. Just the brainstorming line (which is actually one of hundreds of ideation processes has thousands of Internet references.
example: Stage 3 in the Design Thinking Process: Ideate | Interaction Design Foundation (IxDF)

Thank you for the comments, will keep them in mind.

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