New driver station problem

Has anyone else had any problems with the updated driver-station loading their dashboards?
I just got mine updated to this year’s version, and now the dashboard wont load with the DS. I know you have to edit the .ini file under the FRC folder in All User’s documents… but after I change the command line to the one that needs to be used something happens to change the file when I run the DS.

For instance if I use the command line: ““C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\LabVIEW Data\FRC Dashboard\FRC Dashboard.exe””

The line gets changed to something like:"“C:\00cuments and Settings\0ministrator\00ocuments\LabVIEW Data\0FC Dashboard\0FC Dashboard.exe”"

Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix this? and has anyone else had this problem?

You need double slashes in the filename path, e.g.,

““C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\LabVIEW Data\FRC Dashboard\FRC Dashboard.exe””

ah, ok. Thanks Mark!! :slight_smile: