New England Scouting Newsletter Master Thread 2024

Hello everyone, I am Simar, the Co-CEO/Captain of FRC 1073

FRC 1073 is reintroducing our effort to provide every team in New England with scouting data! Every week for New England competitions, we will release a visualized form of the data from that competition. There will be 2 charts released, a Bubble and a Bar Chart, which will all be public on Tableau! We are hoping to release a basic bubble chart for everyone’s Day 1 scouting meetings, at the end of the first day of competitions. We will release a full dashboard (bubble and bar chart for all Qualification Matches), by the day after the conclusion of the competition. There will also be a master dashboard, which will have the data for all teams across New England, from every event, so you can see the progression of competition levels across events. This will be updated weekly, around the same time that the full dashboards are posted.

I have made a Week 0 Example, which will be hyperlinked at the end of this post, and is an example of the full chart, which will be released after the event has ended.

This data will be scouted by teams who graciously signed up to help us out: 2370, 195, 166, and ourselves, 1073. We are still looking for teams who are interesting in helping us out with gathering data, or we will not be able to publish data from certain events (as we will not have any data from these events).

If you are a team who is interested in helping us out, please contact me. The events that we are still looking for teams to send us data from are: Granite State District Event, Hartford District Event, BSU District Event, and the URI District Event. We will gladly credit your team with data, and it is much appreciated!

Link to Week 0 Visualization:

The link to all of these visualizations should be publicly available on any internet browser, but if you are interested in learning how to use Tableau, there is a free Tableau Desktop Key included in the FRC Virtual Kit of Parts! I use Tableau Public as it is the only way to post online, but both serve the same purpose.

If you have any questions, let me know!


Hello! Here are the GSD Day 1 Tableau Charts for anyone who is interested. As a warning to whoever is using these charts, this data is pulled from the FIRES log of this event, which does not have every team scouted from qual matches, so these numbers can vary based on what matches were and were not scored. This was the best that I had, and thank you to Team 8708 for using FIRES so I could publish these charts for this event!

Sorry about not having every match scouted, but I was not able to find a team who could provide full data for this event. Hartford and the Master Charts will have the full event scouted, and will be published later.



Team 4905 has given us full data of this event, so no matches will be missing! Here is the updated version of the Tableau:

Once again, thank you so much Team 4905 for providing us with full data of GSD!


Here is the final GSD Qual Match Tableau, thank you for 4905 for providing us with the data to make these charts for yall!

Hartford will be out ASAP, finalizing our scouting data right now!

Hartford Day 1 Tableau Charts here:

We scouted these matches at home through the livestream, thank you for everyone who made the stream possible!

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Here are the Hartford Final Qual Match Tableau Charts:

Good luck to all teams competing in playoffs!
Master Chart for NE District will come out soon

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Master NE Bubble and Bar Charts for Week 1:

You can search and highlight by Week, Event, and Team.
This link will be continually updated throughout Competition season at the end of each week!

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We did struggle with connection problems and enough scouts. We are a pretty small team but have all the equipment to run FIRES. We are going to re-watch the matches and fill the data missing. We will be at the NE UNH event and would love help scouting. We will have a time signup sheet like we have had in the past. if interested contact us at [email protected]

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The Day 1 Waterbury District Event Tableau charts are out!

Here they are:

Thank you to Team 195 for their publicly available data! If you are interested in the raw data, they have a link provided here:

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The Day 1 BSU District Event Tableau Charts are out!

Here they are:

Thank you to Team 2877 for sharing their data through FIRES!


Final BSU and Waterbury Event Tableau Charts are out!



Thank you to Team 195 for providing the Waterbury data, and thank you to Team 2877 for providing the BSU data!
Master Charts will be updated soon!

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Master Tableau Charts for NE have been updated!

This has all teams from Week 1 and Week 2 at NE Events:

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The Day 1 URI District Event Tableau charts have been posted!

Here is the link:

Thank you to FRC Team 4905 for sharing their data to make this possible!

The Day 1 Northshore District Event Tableau Charts have been posted!

Here is the link:

We scouted this event and are providing data for it! I will be releasing the Pine Tree Day 1 Charts soon!

The Day 1 Pine Tree District Event Tableau Charts are posted!

Here is the link:

Thank you to Team 166 for scouting this data!

Here are the 3 NE events’ Tableau Charts for the end of qual matches:



Pine Tree:

Thank you to Teams 166, 4905, and 2370 for helping us scout this data!

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The Master Chart for New England has been updated for Week 3
Here is the link:

Thank you to all the teams who have helped with providing this data through the season!

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Western NE and Greater Boston District Event Day 1 Charts are live!

Western NE Link:

Greater Boston Link:

Thank you to Team 195 for providing us with scouting data for Western NE, you can find the link to their scouting data here:

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Greater Boston and Western NE Qual Match Charts are out!

Greater Boston:

Western NE:

New England Master Charts are updated for Week 4!

Here is the link: