New F310 Gamepad VI Dashboard issues

Dear CD,

I have created a new, F310 Gamepad VI based on the existing Prepare Joystick Data for Displays.VI
to display the gamepad axis and buttons on the dashboard.

I have looked at the examples and read through some CD postings but cannot get it to work properly.
I have wired Y=axis 1 and Y=axis 5 to what I think should be the right inputs for the dashboard display.

Any help in determining what needs to be changed to make it work would be appreciated. I’ve beaten
this horse for more than it’s fair share of time and effort. I’m missing something very basic here.

I have attached a PDF with Labview implementation pictures.


F310 Gamepad Dashboard VI 30Jan15.pdf (287 KB)

F310 Gamepad Dashboard VI 30Jan15.pdf (287 KB)

It looks like you are missing a wire to “Cartesian Data” in Prepare F310 Gamepad Data for

Also Z Axis in the same VI is wired to array index 6 (unwired will be previous index of 5 + 1)


  1. Good catch. That’s very interesting that I did not break that link (I copied and pasted the original VI as a basis) but it must become broken when being rewired. Huh.

  2. I’ll move the z-axis in my next update when I get home tonight for more testing on my test bench. I’m still a little confused because I would expect the connection to go to Axis 2 on the gamepad in the existing setup but it goes to Axis 1.

As a sanity check for which axis should correspond to which array index, you can view the output on the USB tab on the driver station, just remember that they are 1 indexed there, and LabVIEW is 0 indexed. Also if you probe the axis array you will see what data is actually being passed through and you can compare to what the driver station sees.