I’m sure you all remember these…
I could see a game that involves sorting items. It’d just be incredibly challenging, and rely a lot on the new camera and/or the drivers
I still think that it has something to do with stacking things. Maybe on the robot as opposed to on the field in referrence to the bit about using your head (balancing on your head) .
Hmm what about a tetris game? The idea was tossed around at a robot demo today, and it does make a bit of sense with the different shapes bit. Don’t have the first (pardon the pun) clue how you’d make a robotics game out of it though.
You can eat the contents of the containers… maybe he wanted to make sure that this years game pieces can be recycled from other common household items meaning no Walmart not stocking orbit balls YAY!!!
Man that doesn’t make sense, but at least there is less than 4.5 months left until we find out what it is. Maybe i should pack these items for lunch during kickoff for good luck.:rolleyes:
I can really see them going green this year, and trying to cut back on costs. Maybe not quite to the point where we can make game pieces from common household items (though I really would like to see a toaster used as a game piece - toast game? called it.), but where the game pieces are more eco-friendly, or something of the sort.
Diet coke cans can be recycled ::safety:: You can even get money from them! Hmm…kind of sounds like a variation of this year’s Super Cell to me.
On the subject of a Tetris game…the 8 hours a week I wast–err, spend playing tetris might come in handy