I just thought of a cool idea that team 47 could try. What if at competitions you had like a Chiefdelphi.com banner or sign or something set up and a digital camera. You could tell people that if they wanted to come and get a whoami pic taken infront of the sign so that people could get whoami pictures if they didn’t have access to a digi camera or a scanner.
Maybe another team would be willing to provide this service for people. Or instead of a CD logo it could just be a FIRST logo.
What do you guys think?
That’d be a good idea. But this reminds me of something we did something a long time ago that was kind of similar.
There was a Rumor Mill Forum set up on poster board. (1 of 3 forums we had at the time) People could come up, and write a message on index cards or sticky-notes (i forget exactly), and post it on the forums… and there was also a section for polaroid pics, if I remember correctly.
Oh! . Theres a pic: link]
Something tells me we’d need a slightly larger poster-board if we ever did this again…
…but only slightly larger. You know, like its own arena. 
I think this is a great idea, and I bet it would be very helpful for those who don’t have access to all of that. Plus, it would be a kind of novelty; i.e. Have Your Picture Taken With Chief Delphi! type of deal. Kind of like ‘Sit On Santa’s Lap!’
OOOH! What about a “Sit On Dean and Woodie’s Lap and Take A Picture!”? I would never leave the line… 
SOmeone could use a ploter and make some stand up life sized dean and woodie things… or something like that…and you could get your picture taken with them…
Or a lifesized printout of brandon!!! GET YOUR PICTARE WITH BRANDON! hehehe
You could charge and stuff. and be rich fast!
*Originally posted by oneangrydwarf *
Or a lifesized printout of brandon!!! GET YOUR PICTARE WITH BRANDON! hehehe
oh dear.
note to self: remember to comb hair & smile pretty @ IRI. 
Haha. Then we need a “Photos with Brandon” Gallery. You should get a bodyguard or something Brandon for IRI 
*Originally posted by Ricky Q. *
[BYou should get a bodyguard or something Brandon for IRI
Maybe Amanda Morrison can lend out her bodyguard for the day…erm her bouncer…
HE’s big and scary i heard.
*Originally posted by Brandon Martus *
**oh dear.
note to self: remember to comb hair & smile pretty @ IRI.
Comb hair~!?! Where did those come from?
Oh Brandon, you know you will love it. There will be million of kids chasing after you asking to be a moderator! lol.
FIRST’s most popular webmaster deserve his own fan club! I will be your number 1 fan!
*Originally posted by oneangrydwarf *
**HE’s big and scary i heard. **
I know one person on my team was very afraid of him 
hopefully the flash won’t be as overpowering as when it was done in '99:
poor brandon…thats all i have to say
*Originally posted by Ken L *
**Oh Brandon, you know you will love it. There will be million of kids chasing after you asking to be a moderator! lol.
FIRST’s most popular webmaster deserve his own fan club! I will be your number 1 fan! **
I’ll be #2! I have thereby called my place in line!
Being that I’m FIRST’s little shortstuff, I decided I needed a bouncer, and of course I picked the 6’5 mohawk that everyone loves. If Brandon gets overwhelmed (which I’m sure he will) by the thousands of FIRSTers rushing to sit on his lap, I’m sure Jtosh would be good at throwing them off.