*Originally posted by JosephM *
I’m thinking about having this a lot like Chiefdephi, have it hosted by one team, but everyone can submit ideas.
While there are obvious logistical advantages to giving control over this to one team, in that it may be easier to take care of administrative overhead (i.e., paying the bills), I’d rather that such an effort remain without an affiliation to any team.
Among my concerns is that the fate of the effort lie with the people the people that are giving their time to make it work. I wouldn’t want a member of a specific team who may be “hosting” this effort to feel they have any input solely because of their membership on that team. I’m not sure if this would be a problem or not.
However, beyond that, I think it’s important that the concept of ‘freelance’ but kept in mind as the effort develops. If it’s associated with a single team, or even a group, it is no longer ‘freelance.’
Now, that’s not to suggest that people who’re participating on teams can’t contribute. Quite the contrary, really. . . my goal would be to see this exist as a forum where anyone can come and contribute the ideas they and their team used – and more valuably, the ideas they didn’t use.
We’ve all seen the amazing robots and circuits and code that some of FIRST’s best teams have entered into these events, year after year. Imagine the stuff that didn’t get that far!
With all of that said, I think finding a web hosting service should be among the last priorities. What, so far, does anyone have that they can host, anyway?
There’s no use in investing anyone’s money into a hosting plan, domain name, etc., when there’s still lots and lots of work to be done building the infrastructure of such a system. I wouldn’t want to let that money go to waste on a “Coming Soon” page when it could be better spent later.
Instead, we should create an outline of this effort. What is being proposed will take enormous effort to catalog and organize while keeping everyone sane in the process. There is a lot to be decided - from website design philosophy and programming to content hierarchy to feedback methods and everything in between.
I have my own ideas about what could be done, but they’re a bit nebulous in some aspects. I’ll write them down and post them if anyone’s interested.
While the infrastructure is being developed, it’s also important that we begin to accumulate content to place within that infrastructure. Again, opening a site with no content is pretty useless and the easiest way to kill something right off the bat.
When Freelance FIRST debuts, it should, for all purposes, be a fully functional, self-sustaining website with a lot of pre-existing content.
This isn’t going to be easy by any stretch of the imagination, but the potential is enormous. But, let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Everything starts as a sketch on paper first, this included.