New iPod!!!

Good luck, only one Apple Store is known to have ANY in, but they may be in by Friday. Tell us how they are.

edit got a 20gig, and seems like all Apple Stores are now saturated with the new iPods, but they are flying out quick! Here’s some photos…

They’ll have a review up soon.

I bought mine on the Apple Education Store Online. It is $269 plus tax (no shipping charges though). It is scheduled to ship today, I hope.

Also I got mine name engraved there for free. So if you want an iPod the best place if the Apple education store.

iPoding got their new iPods, and they disected it. Fun stuff. Go look at the pics…

Reminder that the review is coming later today at

This is also interesting.

I recently bought a rio kharma…but then I got a hard drive error, and had to return it. I found a deal on amazon though for the new ipod (which I will be getting)…299…no shipping, and you recieve a 50 dollar amazon gift card.

I just recieved my new ipod today and love it. I’ve heard a lot of complaints about the interface etc. , but I have to say I really like the clickwheel. Another odd thing I noticed is the screen. On they said the new ipods would have a bluescale screen, but the one I got has a greyscale.

I got a 4G just over a week ago and I love it. The only complaint I have is that the thing is a freaking scratch magnet when ever its exposed, I accordantly let my ear phones get close to it and next thing I knew I had a nice scuff and a few scratches. I tried using a 3G before, but I found it kinda nonconforming with out clicks and such, so I really like the click wheel.

What they mean is that the backlight is really blue, almost purple.
The screen is normally regular.

It’s funny how obsessed you guys are over how new they are…my friend had an early order of one of these months ago when school was still in session. ^^ She also got it really decently priced and engraved for free. It was pink. A lot of stuff like this you can get for better prices before it’s out and there’s a rush…

Yarr…I got my 3G at the beginning of June a 40 GB for something around 350 after coupons and such…and now of course they come out with a new, cheaper one. Note to everyone else: never go within 500 feet of a casino within my prescence.

Heres what I did with my ipod to keep it scratch free. In an instance where it gets really hot (in my instance loading 1500 songs with USB1, put some suran-rap or simular and strech it over the back. It’ll then form a sort of heat shrink after the ipod heats up/cools. I cut it around the back so well that I’m often not even sure if the suran wrap is even on there. Keeps the ipod nice and new…and is preety dang cheap.

Has anyone used that pyramid scheme to get a free iPod or Flat panel monitor/tv? I don’t want to get into any trouble or anything for mentioning it here because I don’t know if it’s allowed, so PM me for details.

everyone read this =D =X its kinda scary…

Thats crazy, those labels need to rethink. Firstly Apple doesn’t encourage P2P networks, it says right on the wrap on the iPod (at least the 4G) “Don’t steal music.” in 4 different languages, and if they did even slightly encourage P2P that would mean they would loose some sales from iTunes.
Plus, when it comes to baning devices used for illegal music they would technically have to take away our CD burners because some boxes for the burners advertise burning music.
meh, odds are that bill is going no where.

Just got my new 4g 20gig iPod today. Its AWSOME!

I love it!!!

I’ll write up a review soon.