Before or after saying the OS is useless, only people who buy it have lots of money and are not engineers, etc, etc. Name one positive comment you made.
You have 3 posts, all trolling and negative. I offer constructive criticism based on my use of computers, including my Mac and PC. If you don’t have anything good to say don’t post in the thread.
Is “normal” the same as “useless”? Or did you just say that because I equate “normal” with being able to use two programs that are kind of necessary for FIRST, and you think that that makes OSX useless? I sure don’t think OSX is useless, and I was pointing out that you can run these programs on the very nice Macbook hardware, even if they won’t run natively in OSX.
The video is great, and the computer looks like a really nice machine. I personally don’t think it’s worth spending $2k on it just to avoid Vista, because I have found less expensive ways to avoid using Vista. And I am happy to offer some of these alternatives to others.
My parents bought a few licenses of XP before they stopped selling them (I don’t know if they have yet, actually, but I know they said they were going to) so I can install it on my notebook for college (along with Ubuntu, of course). This license did not cost $2000.
Is apple actually serious about the price tag on this thing? :yikes:
>For a hundred dollars less, you can get a Sony Vaio notebook with a blu-ray player, faster performance, Windows XP or Vista (for those of you who’ll cry XP on me), Double size harddrive, twice the memory…
>Now, that’s a computer that’s glitzy like a mac, but if you’re like me and don’t care what it looks like on the outside… Dell runs $775 for a computer thats still superior in most components (i.e. memory, processor)…
I’m just confused who’s going to buy this… don’t get me wrong macs are cool… but heating my house this winter is cool too. And when it comes down to it, I’d rather been computing on a cheap laptop in a warm house than have a fancy laptop and be freezing my butt off.
Oh, and you don’t have to freeze if you get a fancier laptop; just make sure it generates a LOT of heat so that it becomes your heating (for yourself) in the winter!
I prefer my tablet I paid half as much for with 3x the features
I mean…how do you beat a 12.1" tablet, 3 GB of RAM, decent video card, 200GB HDD and a decent enough processor (Athlon X2 2.1 GHz Ultra), especially for just taking notes?
I love my new Macbook! However, I love the graphics of the new one. I was going to wait to get this model, but I’m glad I went with the blackbook because I do a lot with a firewire 400 port in video editing. It is rumored that you could possibly use a special adapter along with the ethernet port to create a firewire port, however I don’t think they put that capability in there. The trackpad is amazing, for a track pad. I’m guessing it will be a lot like using an iPhone/iPod Touch. Now my only concern is how to fit the new graphic’s chip into my blackbook.
EDIT: BTW, my major concern about my macbook and now all apple products is the display port. It is a big pain to have to remember to carry an adapter with you when you take your laptop for a presentation. Plus I’ve heard that they don’t last that long.
I must say, I have gained a higher appreciation for Apple’s designers when I saw the disassembly pictures on Everything in both the MacBook and the MacBook Pro is put into it neatly, and is easily accessible with the removal of only one cover. This reminds me of the Power Mac G5 and the Mac Pro and how everything inside is so nicely organized with loose cables tucked nicely away. I am truly amazed!! If I had the money, I would buy two Pro’s, one for use, and one to tear apart and look at.
I’m looking at the designs and I have to say that there certainly more anesteticly pleasing(esp. for the Air). Apple’s designers get yet another good design.