It’s a similar idea in theory here. You were discussing the top alliances. For those alliances, we can assume they have two of the strongest scorers on the field through themselves and their first pick.
We can also assume they’re picking towards the end of the third round of bots. If defense is a solid strategy, we’re likely already seeing the best defensive bots coming off the board.
This means the top alliance (as an example) has the current reality when they come to pick their final bot(s).
Two of the best scorers on the field (in their estimation, likely the top two). In the early round, they’ll face the ~15th/16th best scorers and the top defense. In the mid round, they’re looking more at the 5th/6th (on average) scorers and the 4th best defense. In the finals, anywhere from the 3rd and 4th scorers to a really good 2nd defensive bot and some scorers (slightly better scoring than their first opponent with slightly worse defense).
You’re making a net value argument here. The two ideas you’re considering are:
- Defensive bot to limit the scoring of the other alliance’s two scorers
- Offensive bot to pick up spare cargo and score
In this, you’re deciding the first will have more net value. (The points they prevent would be greater than the points they scored). In this scenario, they have a worse defensive bot than their opponents but also have better scorers than their opponents. If the other alliances are picking defensive bots, this means there’s a solid scoring option remaining in that it’s not a huge dropoff from the 8th alliance’s two shooters given they were the next highest shooter not taken.
In the scenario where the 8th alliance’s defensive bot is amazing at locking down one of your shooters (nearly the best case scenario), picking the third offensive bot puts you into a position where you’re basically down to a 2v2. One of your shooters is one of the top two versus the ~15th best shooter. One of yours is the ~17th best versus the ~16th best.
I’d argue this case is exactly where a third offensive bot shines the most. It essentially cancels out the 2nd bot on the 8th alliance leaving the “top” (might be 2nd on the top alliance) shooters on each to fight it out. This is a winning spot for the top alliance.
In the worst case scenario here, you’re looking at the 1v2 where you’re not having such a huge gap and the lower picked shooter is likely to struggle 1v1 versus one of the 2nd alliance’s shooters. But, you’re also looking at a defensive bot that’s not as likely to lock down either of the top two shooters meaning you’re looking at whether or not the third bot can clean up behind the bot taking defense to keep the output up. If so, they have a better score.
A defensive bot on top alliances sounds great in theory. But, I don’t see it getting much lower scores for the opposing alliance when it matters most given the talent that would have been selected ahead of them.