NEW: OPR Android App

Hey ChiefDelphi,

I just posted my first Android App, OPR FIRST 2013, on the Google play market. The app’s functionality includes:

  • Live match results
  • On-the-spot OPR calculations after match 30
  • Match Predicting for each match based on OPR
  • FIRST Team searching
  • Award listings per regional
  • Team listings per regional

This app will hopefully aid in pre-match scouting, selection process for elimination matches, or post-tournament analysis.

For more information and to download the app, please visit:

Please leave any comments or bugs and I will try to fix them as soon as possible! Hope you enjoy!


Agreed. If this works, this is incredible.

*What dataset did you use to validate your OPR calculations?

My thoughts exactly

I haven’t… I was having trouble because I wasn’t sure which OPRs integrated the adjusted score based on Co-op bridge balancing and which did not. So my data currently may be off slightly. I also am currently using the FRC-Spy xml feed to calculate the OPR. I really want to change that to the USFIRST data by parsing HTML because I know that data is accurate. I am open to specific methods of calculating it if you have any suggestions!

Have you done any work to show that OPR on a partial event is useful? I looked at a regional in 2010 and found that that OPR really just wasn’t worth looking at until Friday night, but would love to know if someone has done some more in depth work to show when it becomes useful, as the 1 regional I did is not exactly a big dataset.

Yes I have. That was a very interesting route I went when I looked at that information, because like you, I was curious to see what it would do. First, the reason I put a limit on when you can calculate OPR is because I cannot invert the matrix sooner than that match. Second, the data isn’t quite representative until around 50% to 75% of the regional is complete. I have noticed that most of the OPRs are to the extremes when calculated early. As the regional progresses, the OPRs tend to settle into more valid ranges. By Friday night however, I am confident it will be fairly accurate and should do a good job in predicting the rankings.

I’d say that the “predictions” for upcoming match results will be a good way to determine when the data starts to become significant. It would be great to have an analysis of what fraction of the predictions are correct… it would be an excellent way to show at what point the OPRs become an effective indicator of match outcome.

But OPRs and scouting reports are always useful, if only for entertainment’s sake!


Have you actually seen if OPR predicts better than a coin flip? I’d be curious at what point it exceeds the “pick random alliance” model or even the “pick alliance whose sum of rankings is lower” model.

Is there a refresh all button or do I have to go into every district/regional and update it?

I do have a suggestion.

Do not use matrix inversion. Instead, use Cholesky decomposition to factor the matrix. Read this thread, starting at post#36.

Annndddd my brain exploded.

Definitely going to check out the app though! Good work.

There is no refresh all button… this would cause the app to try and calculate all oprs for every team at every regional and I felt that the processing power would be too much on the phones. On a regional interface (the screen to select match results/predictions/awards/teams) if you hit the settings button on your phone it will bring up an option to refresh all components of a regional.

From what I have seen (although it uses complete data from the end of the tournament), the OPR will determine who wins the match almost every time. As of score, sometimes it is dead on, sometimes it is off.

Where can I find the options menu? It says I need to open it to update team lists but I cannot find where to open it. :stuck_out_tongue:

Most android devices have hard buttons for home, search, back and settings. It’s the fourth menu that will bring it up. I’ll talk to him about adding a button on the page instead of banking it off of the hardware.

Newer android phones just have back, home , recent apps buttons. The settings button only appears when an app is set to use it.

I’m using the HTC evo 4g LTE. I only have buttons for home, back and recent apps.

Does anyone know: How much memory and MIPS does a typical android phone have for apps?

Get a hold of 111, they ran FRC Spyder for a few years and it was the perfect app for FIRST. And it was pretty big and never crashed or messed up; atleast to my knowledge it never did.