New phone, can't trasnfer contacts... Motorola v360 to Samsung Blast

So, here’s how this goes. Got a new phone today. Yay! Decided I wanted to transfer all of my contacts from my old phone (Motorola v360) to the new one (Samsung Blast).

First thought- I’ll use bluetooth. Of course, I can’t have both phones on at once because I only have one SIM card, and that’s a requirement for bluetooth.

Second thought I’ll save all my contacts to my SIM card. Nope. First, my v360 told me it could only save phone number entries to the card (which all of my contacts are anyways), and proceeded to save the to the SIM card, and for some reason made a whole ton of copies of the same number (one such person that has three entries simply has three separate speed numbers…). It saved a total of 116 entries to the SIM card, and I can see them there on my old phone. I put the card in the new phone, and the phone says that there are no contacts on the SIM card. I have a feeling there is a issue with the way the two phones save contacts, but can’t be sure.

Third, I thought I would be able to transfer the contacts to the computer, then to the new phone. Or with a Micro SD card. Unfortunately, neither phone can store contacts to Micro SD cards. I can’t for the life of me find any way to transfer entries from the v360 to my computer. The phone came with a USB cable, but no software. I would have to buy the software.

I can’t even manually enter the numbers, as I can’t access both phonebooks at the same time (one SIM card, remember). I would have to first write all the numbers down, then copy them a second time into the new phone.

If anyone can provide a way to copy the contacts to my computer from the v360, use both phones at once with one SIM card, or get the SIM card to do this for me, it would be much appreciate. If anyone has any experience transferring to/from either phone, that would also help.


PS- I’ve been scouring the internet for awhile now, for both legal and not-so-legal ways to do this, with nothing but a bunch of crappy programs to show for it.

I know this doesn’t sound fun, but…

  1. Turn on the old phone with the SIM card. Copy all the contacts down to paper or the computer manually. (I know this can be a big pain, I have about 200 phone numbers and entering in all of them took about 4 hours.)
  2. Turn on the new phone with the SIM card. Enter in all the contacts.

I’m not sure if you have bluetooth on your computer, but I backup all my contacts via bluetooth, and if I ever need them again, I can transfer them from my laptop back to my phone (reminds me, I should probably do that…).

I don’t know of a way to do this on your own, but I know that when I got a new phone from Verizon, the store employees were able to do it with their equipment for me, so you may be able to try going back and having them do it.

Yep, that’s what I had to do. They have adapters for every phone they offer to allow the transfer of data from one phone to the other. The only problem is they may charge you for the service. I threw a slight fit and got them to do it for free, however. I think i said something about moving my service to AT&T and buying a Iphone…

The SIM card should allow you to store most of what you need. It won’t let you transfer voice dialing as that is stored on phone memory. You didn’t say which phone has the USB so I assume it is the Samsung. There is a cable and CD kit that is avaialbe for the Motorola phone that will synchronize to Microsoft Office and put all of your contact info on that which you can then transfer back to the Samsung phone. Software should be available on the Internet for most any operation if you search around. There is even sites that will give you methods of making your own cables and other hints.

The pen/paper method is probably what I’ll end up doing, when I give up later tonight.

When I was at the store, I considered asking to transfer the contacts, but figured it couldn’t be that hard… Maybe next time.

You are right, the SIM card SHOULD allow me to store most of what I need, and it does. The new phone just doesn’t see any (useful) info on it. Both phones can connect via USB, the motorola is the one I have the cable for. I’ve been trying to avoid spending money when I can do it for free (even though the free way will likely end up being the pen/paper way). I’ve been searching for software to do it for me for awhile, but haven’t found any free programs that can do it.

Well, you guys seem to be telling me what I thought you would tell me- I’ll probably have to do it the hard way. Thanks for the help though!

UPDATE: Managed to borrow someone else’s SIM card. Transferred through bluetooth , and everything works great!