New radio and unexpected errors

Hey cd I’m back one more time and hopefully the last time for some problems with the new radios.

We just got a 2nd vh-109 and I started to set up an access point config, but when I tried to re config the older radio (with the same setup as the newer one that did not give me any trouble) it would not even load the local host window. I changed out the ethernet cables and still nothing. I don’t think anything happened to the radio it has been siting in our programming cabinet sense we got it, but for now I’m a bit stumped have any of you guys had the same issue?

Are you sure you are searching for it at the right IP? On a Windows machine connected to the radio for 1+min. have you tried the command <arp -a> in a terminal (command prompt or powershell)? That should return a list of all IP’s the computer knows its connected too and may reveal you have the radio configured for a different team number, or it may have reverted to a fallback IP.


good idea let me go check

I did it but nothing worked, but what’s weird is the 6GHz Radio light is on and its still not connecting.

you are currently RJ45 ethernet cable connected between a PC and the radio (either RIO or DS ports), the radio is powered on, you have your WiFi and other network connections disabled? And your ethernet network adapter is set to DHCP?

Can you post screenshots of the terminal output when you do:

Arp -a


Are you connected to the “DS” port in the radio?


Is it possible for you to do this?

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Not right now because we had to go home but next time I’m in the shop I will check.

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