Hey teams!
For my AP Mobile Computer Science Principles class, I was assigned to create a mobile application, so I chose to create a scouting app for Android devices.
I made the app in MIT App Inventor 2, and it integrates Google Fusion Tables as a database for ALL scouted data. It allows for both mid-level and high-level scouting data recording and analysis. The app also allows for scouting at BOTH championships, as well as other events with the “other” option. It should be bug free, but if you do experience a bug, just close the app and restart it. The app creation was inspired by The Klein Bots’ STRONGHOLD Scouting app. If you want to check out any of the data, it is located here!
This app can be used as is, with the data going to a central Fusion Table which all teams can view, or can be edited to store data in a team’s separate Fusion Table. If you want to learn how to edit the table, look toward the bottom of this post.
I hope you all find this useful, and feel free to share this with your friends. REMEMBER: Show Gracious Professionalism!!! Please do not submit phony scouting data to inflate (or deflate) how a particular team does so the information is accurate.
Here is the link to the table, in case you wanted to share:
I have attached theAIA (code) here, and APK (app) here.
Please give rate this thread so others can find it, and for all those going to St. Louis, Ill see you there! Happy Easter!
Matt Esser:D
FRC Team 54740
HOW TO: make your own fusion table.
Basically, you have to make your ownservice account and own table in Google Drive, and integrate it in the code. I have placed comments within the code to help guide you. If you are really stuck, look through this MIT tutorial to help you out.
I you are trying to have it upload into your own table, DO NOT open any of the collapsed blocks! the collapsed blocks have nothing to do with the uploading of scouting data.