I looked through current sites and it seems like you guys love to use full blown content management scripts and whatnot. I decided to post a thread showing our team’s site. It seems as though the majority of site lack real web design skill and it sadens me. A website is suppose to be a presentational aspect of your team. A forum would be a web-based interactive method of communication. If you consider a forum your site, you’d be delusional in the real web community. Anyways, I hope I didn’t come off as too harsh and I hope to see more design skill as the season rolls on by. It is still under development and has not launched. Feel free to join our forum and help out a rookie team!
It looks very nice. I especially like the way the content resizes itself so it works at any resolution.
It seems like you have two sidebars though. Some pages have extra images at the bottom of the left sidebar and include the “forum” link under Communications. I think you don’t intend this.
Yes, the sidebar code has been updated on about half the pages. The site is coded in pure standard CSS; use of tables for layouts has depreciated a long time ago back with the <font> tag; I can’t stand viewing poorly coded sites–makes my eyes sore. Thanks for the feedback!
If all of the pages are .php files, why not make use of php include’s to just put the same navbar.php into every page? That way you only need to update one file to make changes.
Yes, yes we know the functionability of PHP. We can’t do that on our site because each navbar is specific to each page. It’d be nice and ideal, but not possible.
However, the sponsors are overlapping the content/news part, and it could use a bit more color somewhere somehow…
You should be viewing the site in Firefox as recommended… anyways, thanks for the feedback man!
i dont know much about websites and stuff but it looks clean and realy easy to navigate. ours is www.pantherrobotics.com and you can go to contact us and go the email and our webmaster corey can give ya some pointers.
but its realy nice and professional
i like it
good luck
right on, my bad. well, you should really really download firefox…
i dont know much about websites and stuff but it looks clean and realy easy to navigate. ours is www.pantherrobotics.com and you can go to contact us and go the email and our webmaster corey can give ya some pointers.
but its realy nice and professional
i like it
good luck
The right column seems to end before it should on the home page. The power and quirks of CSS. Yes, I’m viewing it in IE6.0, but I don’t have access to FireFox here and all professional websites should work correctly in all browsers/resolutions/etc.
What changes in the navbar each time?
Looks nice though, now its time to get some content up.
People who don’t already have Firefox aren’t going to download it just to see one site.
Regardless, the percentage width of the middle column and the overflow scrollbar in the top are done really well. I’m not sure how well that would work on an older browser or on Mac.
I agree that a forum is neither a full website (unless that’s its purpose) nor sufficient for a team website, but in defense of those websites, some teams may not really feel the need for a full website and find a forum enough for internal use.
Its looking good. Excpet on the home page where it has like a whole bunch of random charaters and then - team 1552. just put comming soon or something like that.
Very nice design/layout/content. Loving it. Only thing I noticed immediately was that
to Niwot High’s F.I.R.S.T. Robotics Club website! Our team is focused on learning as much as possible about engineering and technology to better the development of our Cougarbot which will be used in this year’s F.I.R.S.T Robotics challenge in March 2006. Feel free to browse the site and contact us for further information.”
had a horizontal scrollbar. Only icky thing I noticed with a quick glance.
I’m using FireFox 1.6, if that makes a difference.
I love how the page fits, more or less, in the window without scrolling.
That’s something i’m OCD about… having all the information on the window I open up.
Also the organization and writing, in general, is well done. I like seeing pictures and you’ve integrated that well. Your team members list is nice and organized and I like seeing notes written by the students (as I see you have started to put up).
had a horizontal scrollbar. Only icky thing I noticed with a quick glance.
I’m using FireFox 1.6, if that makes a difference.
hmm yeah. They are set to auto, so if you have a wide enough screen they wont show (but that’s not likely)… I only get the vertical scroll bar… though people have reported that both show up. I’ll have to investigate it…
nehalita: thanks for the feedback!!! and… do you go to MIT? from what i can see in your sig