new website name

So I need a name for a new website.
Here is my goal:Create a resource website for FRC.

FIRST Site quick links
cad resources (links to autodesk and as well)
programming tips
website tips
electrical tips
robot design tips
user posted info

I need clever name for this site…
I was thinking frcsource?
it would be
the isgreat extension is for a free web server since i do not have the funding to go off of a regular server.

what do you guys think?

I definitely think you should make this website.
This may be a bit cheesy, but how about FIRSTStop? or firststop since URL’s are’nt case sensitive.
Good luck,

I like it…
I will play around with the working and see if i can get a good logo
here is what i have



Haha, I was going to post that name too!

heres a mock up of a logo

newer mockup

Great idea for a website! I would agree with the name of first stop :stuck_out_tongue:

as much as i loved the frc source logo… i think i have to choose first stop now…

Which logo? FIRST or second?

1st, but i think you should change the color somewhere by FIRST because it’s kind of hard to read. Maybe you could just try a blue FIRST above the stopsign, since youve already got white and red. and keep the logo where its at on the stop sign, i like that.

Actually, you should try combining the two. Mabe put the second logo’s art inside the stop sign.

I tried playing around with different blues but couldnt get any to work

how about this

That looks great, very nice job!
The only thing i would do different is actually “oversize” the “FIRST”. Bascially what i mean is bigger than what you have now

ok that one or this one?

The previous one. But try making the FIRST on the first logo as big as you have the STOP on the second logo

THIS big?

now get to work on the website! ::ouch:: :smiley:

ok i have to check my with my team to see if i can use the server but here is the logo:

Good. My only other idea, and im really having a hard time visualizing whether it would look good or not, is take the cool stripe pattern FRC “font” you had way back in this thread and use that for the STOP.