We just finished our website:
how does it look?
pretty cool do you only do animation or html to? i reccomend you to use css
Maybe a skip animation or set a cookie to remember to skip it. Its kind of annoying having to wait for the menu to come up.
The back flash button on the About Team doesn’t work.
On each page you have the contents set to a size with scroll bars. Why not let it fill up to the entire page? It’s not necessary to set the content of that box to a size. It also makes it very hard to read. Styling up your fonts with css wouldn’t be a bad touch either.
Make the text for each catorgory on the homepage links instead of just the dots next to them.
Since your homepage is centered, why not the rest of your site?
Maybe a “What’s new” section on your homepage?
That’s what I don’t like about the page. I do like the flash animation that starts up the page. But being the inpatient person I am, I hate waiting. Good Job so far.
I made it.
Yea, ikn03 0MG. B4 1 made teh flsh 1 (pwnzor) 4 teh bck but0nz, w3 had teh h0m3 pg az “617 home.htm” but n0w 1t’5 “index.htm”
O Noez
w3 g0t vids, s0000…
tahts all r33l ppl want!!!1111!!!