New Wireless AP Weak?

Has anyone noticed that the new (white, D-Link) wireless bridge/AP is weak. We where doing testing on the robot not 20 feet away and where getting connection issues.

Just to clarify, we have the AP in AP mode (not bridge mode) and are connecting to it from laptops with wireless. And yes, this occurs on all laptops, not just one. We have tried both the 5 Ghz and 2.4 Ghz.

Its quite annoying and I was just wondering if anyone else has noticed the same problem.:confused:

Where is the AP mounted on your robot?

Down low, in close proximity to motors and speed controllers, or up higher where it has less interference and a better signal?

It was on our “test robot”, all the electronics on it are mounted on a large sheet of plywood.

So, yes, it is easily reachable.

Now, you mentioned close proximity with speed controllers, its about 6 inches away from all of them.

On your test robot, do you have a way to mount the AP up approx 2 ft., or more, from all other electronics and motors?
I would love to hear what difference(s) it makes. This is an ongoing debate on our team as well.

BTW, Welcome to ChiefDelphi!

If you follow the DAP configuration instructions carefully, you’ll end up with it set to 2.4 GHz, wireless channel 1. Any other wireless access point on that channel will be interfering with it, easily limiting your connection range.

On the WIRELESS NETWORK SETTINGS page, check the “Enable Auto Channel Scan” option. The DAP will look for a clear channel when it initializes. If interference is your problem, that ought to fix it.

Great catch Alan. I had not noticed or thought of that!

Our “real” robot is just about built, we have come out with a design that will keep the AP away from electronics and high up on the robot. Hopefully that will be the difference.

We will also try the solution suggested by Alan if we still are having problems.

Thanks guys!