New York City Regional

Starting this thread for questions & comments related to the NYC Regional Competition on March 11-13th at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center.

5202 will see you there!

Back again as a volunteer. Lots of fun last year!

Excited to represent Yonkers at Javits! Team 5123 wishes all teams the best of luck!

Looks like I’m going to drive our robot out there in my 57 suburban. Should be a fun trip.

We are extremely excited. We have a brand new pit setup, a robot better then ever, and a team 4x the size of last year should be a blast.

If any international team is reading this I figured I would let you know we still have quite a few batteries unclaimed. So if you need batteries for the event PM me and I can set you guys up.

I also should say that we are bringing a lot of spare parts(1 48" industrial shelf full). So if anyone needs a cots part replaced we will probably have it. We will also have team members to help anyone with repairs in every specialty area ready to go so swing by our pit.

We will also be taping matches + shooting a documentary. If your team wants to be taped PM me and I can tell our videography team to get footage of you guys.

Also if anyone in the area has a practice field please PM us we are looking for a place to practice for later next week or week 6.

It should be exciting but first we gotta go up to CT for the Suffield Shakedown.

Pat-Med has a half practice field setup and invited teams the last week.
Jut contact them first to let them know you are coming and to get directions to their shop.

Let me know if you need contact info.

We contacted them but, they said they promised too many teams already. Thanks for info though.

Invite family & friends to visit you in the pits and remember to BYOSG (bring your own safety glasses)

To find your pit, check out the 2016 pit map

Thank you for posting this. You guys are really considerate when putting teams together. I notice that you put us with the other Long Island teams ;).

…and we’ll be 2500 miles from the other Arizona teams! Which is fine, we love meeting new robotics friends

Been working on getting everything organized and ready to load up for the long drive up there. At least it should not be too cold on the way there. Really looking forward to this trip!

I noticed that the entrance is now parallel to the row of pits where in past years, it was perpendicular… Are the pits in a new place in Javits now? Or did the ConEd Machine Shop get moved? Thanks by the way.

I’m pumped for week 2, I can’t wait to return as a volunteer and see how this game plays out!

That’s a crazy long drive! How much time is that going to take?

I’ll see! plan is 3 days, but I’m leaving 4 just to be safe.

Wow, that’s quite the treck - drive safe!

Team 4481 is already excited for the NYC regional, in a week we will leave the Netherlands to visit New York. Good luck to you all with the last preperations for the regional!:smiley:

We’re planning to make a picture database for the NYC regional with additional information, so if you already have some nice pictures of your awesome robot feel free to send them: [email protected]. Thnx :wink:

We will be a different hall than we were in last year, but the entrance is the same. Use the map as a guide for team layout. We didn’t work to convey any other information about the pits in the map. There will still be the Con Ed Machine Shop and the Practice Field by the wall closest to the pit entrance.

Any webcast link?

So is the field going to be in the same place as usual, or was that moved as well?

Any idea what hall? Will the other competitions being going on as well. There will be 10x10 pits correct? Just wondering.

We are excited!