New York Heatmap 2025

Changes from 24 to 25
148 teams from 145 (2 more teams had joined when I had made the post last)

7 Teams that shut down

|1450|XQ Robotix|
|4299|BCS RoboSharks|
|5599|The Sentinels|
|6873|The Generals|
|7030|Lake Placid Robotics - The ROBOlympians|

10 Rookies

|10223|Crimson Jewels|
|10229|Event Horizon|
|10262|Hastings Robotics|
|10352|SUNY Poly Wildcar Robotics|
|10454|UPC Raptors|
|10647|YAMS TECH|

To see last year’s heatmap.


Some rough population to team ratios:

County Population Teams Ratio
Erie 946,000 3 315,333
Brooklyn 2,680,000 10 268,000
Queens 2,361,000 13 181,615
Bronx 1,443,000 8 180,375
New York 1,646,000 11 149,636
Saratoga 239,000 2 119,500
Westchester 991,000 9 110,111
Niagara 209,500 2 104,750
Albany 317,000 4 79,250
Nassau 1,382,000 19 72,737
Rockland 341,000 5 68,200
Suffolk 1,523,000 27 56,407
Monroe 748,000 16 46,750
Ontario 112,500 4 28,125

In Albany you have 4 teams, but 2024 there was 5. None of the teams that shut down are in the Albany area. Am I missing something?

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You’re right, I had a mistake last year misplacing 5149 in Albany instead of Rensselaer, but forgot to update that on the map. (correct on my tracker though.)

Some other interesting data:

3762 teams registered this year, which is just 46 teams less than 2019. (Still only one champs tho)

FMA, Indy, and the Carolina’s have the most teams competing this year in their history.

Districts breakdown
Region Team Count
Regional 2011
FMA (Mar) 140
PNW 132
Peach 75
FIM 532
FIN (Indy) 71
FIT 188
NE 190
Cheesapeake 111
SC 34
NC 86
Ontario 131
Isreal 61
Total 3762
Increase from 24 to 25 254
Percent of Growth 6.75% from last year
# of District Teams 1751
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Curious what the breakdown is for just FRC eligible demographic?