Newton Photo-Pack

Well this is kind of an offshoot of this thread.

For teams in Newton, here is a Photo-Pack of most of the robots in Newton, compliments of team 662 scouting. This has been very much a community project and I deeply appreciate all the help everyone has given. Thanks everyone!

Because the championships are tomorrow, I was wondering if someone might be willing to take some pictures of a few missing bots to help finalize things, which would enable teams could accesss the final high-quality version the night after the practice rounds. Contact me if you are interested.


each .zip download crashes after ~350K ???

odd, I downloaded the zip-files off the published web-page without any problems… What kind of connection are you on?

This is very helpful thank you very much…It works fine for me and i can open all images…i didnt actually open all of them but i did open about 10 from each folder so…

Hey, Ive been having problems 2!? what program did you use to open? I used WinRAR ??

My Mac opened the archives with no difficulty :slight_smile:

Hey, I repaired the Archive, and did some other nerdy stuff, I got all the pictures except 2? I really dont know why it did that, oh and your missing team 987’s picture and a couple others 2, ill help you find them and post them in a (img) tag , kk ty for the pics!

Hmm, I have team 987s picture along with 2 others that I found last night, but I was really tired and forgot to update the photo-pack files. The list is accurate with my list though. I should update another one soon.

BTW, what did you do to repair the file? (I might be able to post the repaired file for other people who are having problems)

One last thing. I was thinking about tagging team numbers on the images themselves, seeingas to in many pictures the only clue you have to team number is the file name which doesn’t help a whole lot once you’ve printed things out. Would you guys find that useful, or would you rather have something else?

Oh, I still need someone who would be willing to take some pics at nats and upload them thursday night. Any volunteers?

I put all of them on my psp, I have the whole wi/fi thing going, me team is sending me e-mails to my psp int he pit so I can organize stregy with the teams. I really needed the photos jsut for ease purposes, + the file names show when your looking at the pictures, for me anyways, if someone were printing them out they can jsur write the name on the paper if they cant tell. Also, I jsut used the Repair Archive tool, from WinRaR it detects issues and wither bypasses them or fixes the problem so i can open the pics. Other people had problem 2, so…idk, how you would fix them, one thing i could suggest if it is an open server jsut put a link to the pictures in a server directory like when i click on <team blah> the browser will open the picture. Less problems but more time consuming, for say if a team wants all of the pics at once
Its up to you. If you want to see the setup I have on my psp ill show you, I dont know if it will work with Sundial yet but if it does, ill have the sweetest hookup ever!

Alright I just posted another archive, this time by WinRar. Tell me if you guys have any issues with it. BTW, still need a photographer.

Final update before championships, with LOTS of error corrections and filler images and stuff. Also a few images have been replaced with better pictures.

Still need a photographer for nationals.

OK I know I should have other utilies and stuff, but I tried the .zip files and Windows won’t open the first file file unless I insert the final disk of a multipart. I don’t have time now, but I’ll play with it later. I grabbed the .rar file and see if I can do something with that.