So does anyone know why they decided not to replay match 12? Because that felt like a really obvious field fault.
Unfortunately, I would assume that they have been told not to replay situations like this. This is the same charge station failure that came up in another semi recent thread that also wasn’t replaced. Seems like it comes down to the fact that the damage was caused by a robot, albeit most likely unintentionally and maliciously.
Have any of these charge station failures occurred during the rest of champs? If so, have they been replayed? I haven’t been playing close attention.
It didn’t affect the outcome of the match. Red was so far behind that even if it worked, they still would’ve lost. That’s why there was no replay.
Specifically Section 11.3
At least this time it was only one robot, so it’s a bit more “the field’s fault” than the times when one robot tips up the station and the other on the far side rams into it and wedges the ramp. But still, it really seems like it’s not the field’s fault for being broken by a robot slamming into it. At least these aren’t being called G301. Of course, the charge station could be designed better but I think it’s a “racing incident”. I’m sure FIRST intended that there would be some degree of mechanisms involved in climbing smoothly, not just a yeet.
Edit: strikethrough
Additionally, arguably, the way in which the charge station was jammed could be considered robot abuse by the red alliance, since two robots were pushing against a charge station tilted the wrong way. While I think the interaction was part of normal play and the bar for “robot abuse” of the charge station has been too low this year, it is consistent with calls I’ve seen across the season.
One notable difference here compared to some other incidents is that the charge station wasn’t tipped away when they starting pushing - it was flat.
But as Alex said, the score gap was large enough that the extra 12 points red could have gotten from a balanced charge station wouldn’t have changed the outcome of the match.
Definitely agree with that. I just wish it wasn’t a possibility that hitting a field mechanism the wrong way disables it for the rest of the match. Too late for that though lol.
This one was blatant abuse, I’d say - when your alliance partner steams across the field and SHOVES you into the charge station for no strategic reason, I’d say that’s just a weeeeee bit more oops than a team who sees a regular charge station in front of them, starts climbing with a game piece, and via bad timing, the thing gets wedged upright. But YMMV.
But yes, it seems at least the divisions were consistent in making every team deal with the charge station blar NO MATTER WHAT at the champs. Did y’all have fun?
The match was not replayed because it was caused by a robot on our alliance, and because we wouldn’t have won even with a balance. Proud of our teams and students, and congrats to those who made it to Einstein!
I’m sure FIRST intended that there would be some degree of mechanisms involved in climbing smoothly
While there is definitely a difference between “yeeting” and requiring a mechanism, FIRST definitely intended for the charge station to be much more friendly than it ended up being. Their intention from the start was stated that this should not require a mechanism. This issue stems mainly from poor mechanical design of the charge station, greatly increasing the likelihood of teams getting the charge station stuck.
FIRST clearly set design goals for the field that they didn’t meet, which meant that this problem had to involve rule interpretations, and shifts the problem onto the HR and FTAs which is very unfair. Hopefully FIRST can learn from this and make more robust field elements in the future to solve the problem at the source, rather than worrying about replay rules.
First of all, I’m pretty sure teams did go and say things.
Second of all, I was simply a spectator and was not involved in the match.
My team played in that match. We were told that since it was our teams fault that the charge station jammed the Match was not going to be replayed.
I don’t think the result of the Match would have changed even if the charger station worked properly. But still this calls have not been uniform through out the season, and clearly it wasn’t our teams intention to jam it.
We (3478) approached the station as usual but it got a bit stuck, our alliance partner 2992 was coming right behind us so they crashed into us and we both endend up jamming the charge station.
Hopefully this and all of the other similar cases serve as examples for the GDC for next events to create less prone to fail game sections or test them more thoroughly before the season.
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