NEWTON Robot Pictures and Basic Info

Hey all! Other fields have the right idea. Let’s make scouting easier for each other and a robot picture and basic information.

Less than a week till Atlanta!
(My team’s information will be posted shortly.)

Please refer to this thread.

Team name:Team Awkward Turtle
Team number:2108
Robot name: Zippy t. Turtle
Capabilities: AWESOME ramps and CRAZY defense
class: 120lbs
Drive train: 4 wheel duel transmitions
Ground clearance: ~2"
Ramp: 2 ramps. active pneumatic lifts for 12.5". Made out of shelving material for superb grip:cool: . Uses scissor jacks.
Strengths: Excellent ramps. Great drivers. Can push any robot that comes in our way.
bumpers: yes
awards: NASA/VCU winners and Rookie inspiration award
picture: close up, Zippy t. Turtle,
and Eliminations

Copied from the former thread (Yay more exposure)

Team 190
Picture: Tubing Passive Ramps Active Ramps
Robot Class: 4’ 120lbs
Drivetrain: 6wd Colsons
Speed: ~9fps
Ground Clearance: ~1" (enough to climb a 25* ramp)
Arm: Elevator with gripper, scores on all levels with moderate speed
Gripper: Fiberglass conformable bottom, 4 bar “finger”, Holds tubes at 55* angle
Pick Up Method: Floor
Ramp: 2 independent ramps. Passive for 5", active pneumatic lifts for 13"
Results: Quarterfinalists at BAE, Champions at SVR, Motorola Quality award at SVR
Strengths: Lifting robots, Powerful drivetrain, experienced drivers, good at simultaneous defense and offense.