Newton Scouting Partnership

Hello Newton Teams!

1662 is excited to be joining the nearly 400 other FRC teams at Champs this year!

Due to team constraints, we are only taking 9 students, out of 55 team members, to the competition. With 3 on the drive team and another 4 in the pit, this leaves us with 2 scouts to take data on 100 teams. We are looking for another team to partner up with and share scouting data. We can provide the scouting sheets, clipboards, pens, etc., all we need is 5-6 warm bodies to take match data over the course of Thursday afternoon/evening and all of Friday.

Our scouting system is paper and pencil, but it has proven effective in one regional win, as the #1 seed, and one semi-final finish, as the #3 captain. We just need more people to help take the data! All data will be 100% shared between both teams. If you are at all interested in helping us help you, reply to this or shoot me a PM.

We need more than 4 eyes watching 6 robots!



Greetings Mike! Team 3255 is excited to be participating in its first championship event after winning San Diego Regionals with two great alliance partners. I am organizing our stats team and believe we could have some extra students who can help. We are also a pen/paper stats team and I’d be interested in sharing our approach for comparison and recommendation.

  • Jeff

1629 would be more than willing to help you out, just find us in the stands and we can collaborate!

Team 1796 is unfortunately unable to assist in manpower, but very much willing to trade our scouting data from archemides for your data from any division, especcially newton