Next years easter egg

After watching a little bit of Dean Kamen’s speech at the 10,000 lakes regional i think there will be somthing involving a light bulb of some sort

Can you fill in those of us that weren’t there?
We’ve been taking part in the light bulb fund raiser, so my uneducated guess is that he was talking about that…

I don’t think there’s anything to read into on this one. They are just promoting a new idea and that is all the speech is about. Making tech products to FIRST students what cookies are to Girl Scouts.

there had to be some sort of hidden message behind that speech i wish i cud have seen all of it if anyone has a video handy i would like to watch the whole thing.

It used to be that all of Dave Lavery’s CD posts had a hidden message, too.

It’s just that at least 1/2-3/4 of those posts were exactly what they appeared to be: non-hint posts talking about one topic or another. The message in those was hidden in the words on the page, right out in the open for anyone to read, understand, and enjoy. The remaining 1/4 drove everybody else crazy, whether they actually contained a hint or not.

In this case, I think the hidden message you think is there is hidden in the words, right there for you to understand when you first hear it, without needing to look up synonyms, alternate meanings, and odd patterns.

What did Dave’s tennis ball posts from last year have to do with this years game?

Drive everyone crazy, whether they actually contained a hint or not.

There was FIRST light bulbs set up in troy. Or some sort of light bulb display with the logo on it being displayed prominently.


I like to think the games touch on Dean’s Homework, or what I believe to be the overall FRC theme for a season.

Dean wanted us to go back to our team’s roots in 2009. The theme was Lunacy, based on the roots of manned spaceflight. I think we had to look at returning to old things for the future.

Dean wanted us to reach out to people who didn’t know about FIRST in 2010. Breakaway, a game based heavily on soccer, was the theme. Soccer is the world’s most popular and universally understandable sport: move a ball across a field and into a goal for points.

This year, he wants us to incorporate FIRST into everyday life. LOGO MOTION has us building the Logo for FIRST on the field, over and over, ingraining what it looks like in our heads.

So, let’s say Dean wants to really push the bulbs in 2012: there may be a loose theme tied to that for the game.

Obviously 2012’s competition will be “UNDERWATER LIGHTBULBS!: Electrifying the Impossible” (kidding)

I would say it has something to do with the game in 1992. You know, bed’o’corn, tennis balls, goals, yeeeeeaaaahhh that one. If someone could link to that post I would appreciate it since I’m too lazy to use the search link right now.

great i knew water proofing our robot would be a great start. :smiley:

A game based around trying to screw in lightbulbs might actually be pretty interesting.

Another Red Herring.

We haven’t even finished regionals yet…