NH seeding - can u verify?

We grabbed scoring data from FIRST site and computed seeding.

Can anyone tell if this is accurate? We believe it is, so long as the match results were accurate…


Edit: we will correct win/loss and make sure extra matches are not counted… So, besides that what errors are there, if any?


Going to Florida or Midwest Regionals? How about some website votes for Team 108? :rolleyes:

151’s Data is correct all the way through.

238’s info is correct :slight_smile:

I’m pretty sure are info is correct. Jeez 5-5 record and we still made top 8 and I have no idea how cuse our robot didn’t work oh well watch out for us in NJ.

I believe total QP’s that were in the 1000’s dropped the zero, but I’m pretty sure it’s correct, $@#$@#$@#$@# it’s nice to be the only 9-1 at our regional.


*Originally posted by Rev. Lovejoy *
**I believe total QP’s that were in the 1000’s dropped the zero, **

I guess we thought early on that no one would get 4 digit QPs. Congrats!
