You guys at Chief Delphi have really outdone yourselfs again!! Nice Forum!! I especially like the smilies (nice touch!! … since it my team’s logo!! )
You guys at Chief Delphi have really outdone yourselfs again!! Nice Forum!! I especially like the smilies (nice touch!! … since it my team’s logo!! )
vBulletin Version 2.2.9 is the BEST forum software.
I am on three diffrent MBs, and none even come close.
Just wait till vb3…maybe?
*Originally posted by AdamT *
**…maybe? **
And, thanks Steve. It wouldn’t be the same without all the people participating and helping out in other ways.
Of course, this forum wouldn’t be soo cool without brandon’s hard work. It’s all because of him.
*Originally posted by Ken L *
**Of course, this forum wouldn’t be soo cool without brandon’s hard work. It’s all because of him. **
/me salutes.
Keep up the excellent work, sir.
Great forum…but a forum is nothing without a great group of people