
Hey everyone,

We’re actually at Atlanta now. This afternoon, I started having issues with LV on my laptop. Whenever we went to run while tethered, I’d get a C++ runtime error (so with LV itself, not with our program). I went straight to the NI desk, where I was told they didn’t know what to do, but agreed with my assessment that a reinstall was needed. Long story short, the girl they sent over had the updates only. I finally remembered we had made images of the discs on an external HD that we have with us. I mounted the images and… when I try to run Setup.exe I get the error:

Error: A tool or library returned an error. (Error code -20)
Warning : Loading xml file “Y:
isuite.xml” failed.
End error report.

I then open up the mentioned file in Notepad++ and it appears to be null.

I’m at a loss here. We managed to leave our discs at home, which is why the ISOs are needed in the first place. We fortunately have one other laptop with LV on it that we can use, but it really would be nice to have mine back up.

Anyone have any thoughts (or would anyone at Atlanta as well be willing to loan your discs to team 3025 in Archimedes)?

Thanks in advance.

EDIT: Laptop in question is a Dell running XP. And it was working fine before we left (of course).

See me at the Team 45 pit in Archimedes first thing Friday morning. I can lend you our copies of the installation disks.

Alan, thank you so much. I’ll be by as soon as we get there in the morning.


Has anyone found the reason for this? Now trying to reinstall LabView on a new Windows 7 installation, I encountered the same problem.