Hi All,
Chezy Champs will not be held this year. We hope that we’ll be able to see you all in San Jose again next year, but have no definitive plans to announce at this point. Stay safe and healthy, everyone.
Nick Eyre, CC Event Director
Hi All,
Chezy Champs will not be held this year. We hope that we’ll be able to see you all in San Jose again next year, but have no definitive plans to announce at this point. Stay safe and healthy, everyone.
Nick Eyre, CC Event Director
Are you considering selling 2020 254 shirts online since there won’t be a Chezy Champs?
I want a Shirt that reads " I didn’t go to Chezy Champs 2020!"
I feel your pain, @NickE. It’s going to be a strange fall without so many of the events that we usually look forward to hosting and attending. Hopefully we can get our act together as a country soon so we can get back to the good times.
“Undefeated at Chezy Champs 2020”
Hey, us too! What a cowinkydink!
“cant lose if you dont go”
I can confirm that we’ve never lost at Chezy Champs OR IRI. Beat that.
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