No code?

So I am using windows 10 and Eclipse C++ and when I deploy my code it just says there is no code. It makes it through the up load program just fine with out error. Am I doing something wrong? The other computers can upload just fine even with my code. I am also having an issue with riolog.(it just doesn’t exist for me!)

This means that something in your code isn’t properly executing.
If this occurs as soon as you upload your code, check your variable declarations.
If it’s occurring as soon enable, check your RobotInit and Disabled code.
If it’s occurring when you start teleop/autonomous, check the respective init/periodic code.

Riolog needs java 8. In addition to Logan’s excellent suggestions, make sure you install the plugins update from yesterday. It fixed several crashing problem.

Alright I found the issue(ish?). I am not sure but I just rewrote the entire code segment and that fixed it. As for my riolog I have both java 7 and 8 installed. I still need 7 for somethings. I quick google told me how to force it use 8 though. Thanks for your help