We have never used pneumatic before, and at this rate never will. My programming team cannot figure out how to power up our off board compressor to fill the tanks we have on our robot. They are telling me they are missing something called “Compressor Control Vi”
Can we download this VI?
Is it called something else?
Below is a picture of our code to see how what were missing. Please help!
I’d suggest running one of the LabVIEW FRC examples for solenoids. They are stand-alone programs that will make sure you have the wiring setup correctly.
In General,
We don’t need a compressor vi anymore.
Simply Open a solenoid and everything else is setup for the compressor to run.Like this:
You do need to get the wiring straight on the PCM for the compressor, the pressure sensor, the CAN hookup to the roboRIO and power from the PDP.
Here’s a wiring diagram from the LabVIEW FRC examples.
Even though the compressor .VIs exist they do not need to be placed in order for the compressor to work. If the robot is enabled in anyway he compressor should automatically run. If the compressor is not running do you have the pressure control (The thing which limits the compressors PSI form going to high) properly installed. If its not the compressor would not work.