After installing the updates for labview i noticed there was not a frc library in labview. How do i get it back??
You need to install the 2011 LabVIEW Update. Bookmark this page:
Go to the link for “Getting Started with the 2011 FRC Control System.” It has links to all the updates you need for LabVIEW.
While you’re on the KOP site, make sure you get all of the updates downloaded for your driver stations as well. When you get to competition, if your cRIO, LabVIEW, and Driver Station all aren’t on the latest rev, you won’t pass inspection.
Good Luck,
Sean Spooner
Mentor, Team 126 GaelForce
Bookmark this page too: Software Updates
There will be future updates posted there over the next couple of months.
Check back every so often to see what patches have been issued.
Put simply, installing LabVIEW does not give you special FRC libraries. It only gives you standard libraries. Others must be found elsewhere, like in the kit of parts.