We are programing in Java. Tonight we were fine tuning the shooter. While changing the speed and redeploying, the robot spontaneously showed no robot code. In addition, the code previously worked. In addition, the compiler showed no errors, we tried deploying from two different computers, three different codes that have previously worked, and we have tried reimaging the Rio. Any ideas?
You get no runtime errors at all? If that’s the case, it’s likely the image/firmware updates you did isn’t compatible with the version of code you’re loading. Can you check which version of firmware you have loaded to the roboRio (on the DS) and the version cited in your gradleRio package?
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We had this happen to us after some of the pins were shorted on the Rio. Take a look to see if the power light is red. Also, look to make sure the motor assignments have not changed. If you have two motors (of tye same type) with the same id this could happen.
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Update: after double checking wires and reimaging again, it worked.
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