No robot code HELP

We are getting ready for a competition this weekend and we are a new team - I have some experience and am stumped
We got a roborio 1 donated and formated it successfully to team 9999 (waiting for some $$$ to get - hopefully - our real number)
that worked great, Configured the radio and installed WPILIB and the game tools. The driver station sees the robot. We first tried some code that should work - Arcaded drive - and when that did not show just tried to deploy a sample code that comes with WPILIB

So 1,) Create new project, select sample code and the xbox controller
2.) Build project no error
3.) Deploy it

So according to VSCode it deploys fine

And the driver station shows communication green, Joystick green and No robot code. And nothing in the log
Last time I did set up a rio a zillion years ago I had to terminal in and deploy the JRE to the roborio. I cant find any info as to having to do that and if I missed it it would be great if someone could point me to it.

I can’t find any error messages and tried to deploy

1.) With USB connection
2.) With ethernet connected to the router/radio

WIFI is turned off when deploying through USB I not only turned wifi off but also the ethernet port and disconnected it (its a usb to ethernet dongle as the laptop does not have a ethernet port laptop has win11 on it

Also tried a different laptop with win10 on it.

Reformatted the roborio a couple of times with no error.

Any help would be appreciated.

The config page of the DS

Did you run it as start up after you built it and deployed it

The name of the folder is what is used for the output Jar. It’s very possible the startup code doesn’t like the apostrophe in the folder name. It also sometimes has issue with spaces. Try moving the folder to a project with just normal characters and try deploying again. Delete the build folder when you rename the folder.

created a new project with a simple 8 char folder and same thing

How do I do that?

The “run as start up” thing is for LabVIEW, not text-based languages.

The JRE is also auto-deployed the first time you deploy a Java program to the robot.

One thing to check would be the “No App” setting, it shouldn’t be set because you just imaged the Rio, but it’s something to check–you can see it by opening a web browser to roborio-9999-frc.local and looking for a checkbox labeled “No App” or similar and making sure it’s unchecked.

Can you also post the full build and deploy log? Just want to see what it says.

Task :discoverroborio
Discovering Target roborio
Using [email protected]:22 for target roborio

Task :deployprogramKillroborioroborio
-C-> . /etc/profile.d/; /usr/local/frc/bin/ -t 2> /dev/null @ /home/lvuser

Task :deployjrefrcJavaroborio
-C-> if [[ -f “/usr/local/frc/JRE/bin/java” ]]; then echo OK; else echo MISSING; fi @ /tmp
-[0]-> OK

-C-> opkg list-installed | grep openjdk @ /tmp
  -[0]-> frc2023-openjdk-17-jre - 17.0.5u7-1 - FRC OpenJDK Java Runtime Environment

Searching for JRE 17.0.5u7-1
Found JRE frc2023-openjdk-17-jre - 17.0.5u7-1 - FRC OpenJDK Java Runtime Environment
JRE Is Correct Version
Artifact skipped

Task :deployfrcStaticFileDeployroborio
-C-> mkdir -p @ /home/lvuser/deploy
1 file(s) are up-to-date and were not deployed

Task :deployrobotCommandfrcJavaroborio
-C-> echo '/usr/local/frc/JRE/bin/java -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=1 -XX:GCTimeRatio=1 -XX:+AlwaysPreTouch -Djava.lang.invoke.stringConcat=BC_SB -Djava.library.path=/usr/local/frc/third-party/lib -jar “/home/lvuser/Aiden’s sample code.jar” ’ > /home/lvuser/robotCommand @ /home/lvuser
-C-> chmod +x /home/lvuser/robotCommand; chown lvuser /home/lvuser/robotCommand @ /home/lvuser

Task :deployfrcJavaroborio
-F-> C:\Users\marti\Desktop\frcf\Aiden’scode2\Aiden’s sample code\build\libs\Aiden’s sample code.jar → Aiden’s sample code.jar @ /home/lvuser
-C-> chmod +x “/home/lvuser/Aiden’s sample code.jar”; chown lvuser “/home/lvuser/Aiden’s sample code.jar” @ /home/lvuser

Task :deploynativeZipsfrcJavaroborio
30 file(s) are up-to-date and were not deployed
-C-> chmod -R 777 “/usr/local/frc/third-party/lib” || true; chown -R lvuser:ni “/usr/local/frc/third-party/lib” @ /usr/local/frc/third-party/lib
-C-> ldconfig @ /usr/local/frc/third-party/lib

Task :deployprogramStartfrcJavaroborio
-C-> sync @ /home/lvuser
-C-> . /etc/profile.d/; /usr/local/frc/bin/ -t -r 2> /dev/null @ /home/lvuser

13 actionable tasks: 11 executed, 2 up-to-date

  • Terminal will be reused by tasks, press any key to close it.

That’s still deploying from the copy with the bad folder name. Are you sure you have the newly created project open?

let n[me check I made so many copies

Good catch also no quotes in the project name - THANKS EVERYONE

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