No RobotCode

The programming team and I are currently working with a small test robot we built in the preseason. So far, we have been able to make the robot and make a simple drive system so it can drive based off of user input from a controller. Recently, we re-imaged and re-installed a new JRE onto the roborio that our test robot has to the new 2016 image/jre. Previously, our code would work, now it doesn’t and we don’t now why?
Here is the console log on eclipse

Buildfile: C:\Users\RM316CSHP2\Desktop\Robotics\Run-Motor\build.xml
Trying to override old definition of task classloader
   [delete] Deleting directory C:\Users\RM316CSHP2\Desktop\Robotics\Run-Motor\build
   [delete] Deleting directory C:\Users\RM316CSHP2\Desktop\Robotics\Run-Motor\dist
    [mkdir] Created dir: C:\Users\RM316CSHP2\Desktop\Robotics\Run-Motor\build
     [echo] [athena-compile] Compiling src with classpath=C:\Users\RM316CSHP2/wpilib/java/current/lib/WPILib.jar:C:\Users\RM316CSHP2/wpilib/java/current/lib/NetworkTables.jar: to build
    [javac] Compiling 6 source files to C:\Users\RM316CSHP2\Desktop\Robotics\Run-Motor\build
     [echo] [athena-jar] Making jar dist/FRCUserProgram.jar.
    [mkdir] Created dir: C:\Users\RM316CSHP2\Desktop\Robotics\Run-Motor\dist
    [mkdir] Created dir: C:\Users\RM316CSHP2\Desktop\Robotics\Run-Motor\build\jars
     [echo] [athena-jar] Copying jars from C:\Users\RM316CSHP2/wpilib/java/current/lib/WPILib.jar:C:\Users\RM316CSHP2/wpilib/java/current/lib/NetworkTables.jar: to build/jars.
     [copy] Copying 2 files to C:\Users\RM316CSHP2\Desktop\Robotics\Run-Motor\build\jars
      [jar] Building jar: C:\Users\RM316CSHP2\Desktop\Robotics\Run-Motor\dist\FRCUserProgram.jar
     [echo] Trying Target: roboRIO-219-FRC.local
     [echo] roboRIO found via mDNS
     [echo] roboRIO image version validated
     [echo] Checking for JRE. If this fails install the JRE using these instructions:
  [sshexec] Connecting to roboRIO-219-FRC.local:22
  [sshexec] cmd : test -d /usr/local/frc/JRE
     [echo] [athena-deploy] Copying code over.
      [scp] Connecting to roboRIO-219-FRC.local:22
      [scp] done.
  [sshexec] Connecting to roboRIO-219-FRC.local:22
  [sshexec] cmd : killall -q netconsole-host || :
      [scp] Connecting to roboRIO-219-FRC.local:22
      [scp] done.
     [echo] [athena-deploy] Starting program.
  [sshexec] Connecting to roboRIO-219-FRC.local:22
  [sshexec] cmd : . /etc/profile.d/; /usr/local/frc/bin/ -t -r;
  [sshexec] killall: lvrt: no process killed
  [sshexec] Remote command failed with exit status 1
  [sshexec] Connecting to roboRIO-219-FRC.local:22
  [sshexec] cmd : sync
Total time: 14 seconds

and here is the RioLog output (there’s a load of these messages oncoming every 2 seconds or so)

➔ Launching «'/usr/local/frc/JRE/bin/java' '-jar' '/home/lvuser/FRCUserProgram.jar'»
execvp: No such file or directory

What I think is that this means that there is no JRE on the rio, however we did successfully install it (or so the person who did it said so)

We have actually just finished debugging this problem. We solved the problem by re-downloading the JRE and make sure that it is the ARMv7 Linux - VFP, SoftFP ABI, Little Endian version (the second one on the list that pops up). Hope this helps.

Can you link the list you are talking about?

Image from Screensteps.

That stepped hosed us up a bit too the other day. The “browser” in the provided wizard wouldn’t play nicely with creating a new account and then letting us download it. It just didn’t work. Also, going directly to Oracle’s website we couldn’t find the link to “ARMv7 Linux - VFP, SoftFP ABI, Little Endian version” so we used the installer wizard (the one shown in the screenshot) to get to the right page, right clicked the link, copied the URL, then opened up Chrome and used that to login to Oracle and then just pasted the URL into the address bar. Viola! We had our proper JRE… then used the wizard to install it by backing up to the start of it all and pointing it to a local file.

Thanks all, it turns out we put the wrong JRE onto our roborio. Got the right one and it worked fine!