No Status LED - RoboRIO

We just imaged our RoboRIO with the newest version, version 14. We have no status LED on the RoboRIO and VSC can’t find the roboRio over wifi or USB direct connection. We tried multiple times redownloading the FW and image.

Steps we took:
Update Firmware to 6.0.0
Image RoboRio with V14


Assuming you’re referring to the one labelled “status”, it should be off during normal operations, per
Are any other lights indicating anything?

The only lights on the RoboRIO are the power light, green, and the RSL light, amber.

That sounds like your roboRIO is fine.
Are the messages you are getting just saying that it cannot connect?

Have you updated WPILIB, too?

Are you connected via USB?

Is your Driver Station app getting a green Communications light?
(And I assume a red Robot Code light).
Once the DS connects you should get a red Mode light on the roboRIO.

You can also refer to the steps in: Unable to Connect to roboRIO in Driver Station, Imaging Tool or LabVIEW

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