Node Device in CTRE Phoenix Tuner

We’re having trouble with our system, which contains SPARK Maxs, Victor SPXs, and CTRE CAN Talons currently. Not all of our devices are showing up in Phoenix tuner. There are devices called Nodes appearing, with invalid manufacturer dates and hardware versions. What are these?

Phoenix Tuner will only show CTRE/Vex devices (Talon SRX, Victor SPX, PCM, etc), not REV devices (SparkMax).

It’s complaining that multiple devices have the same CAN ID set, which is likely why it says “Node”. Due to the way CAN works, it can only communicate with one device for each ID (well, different device types can have the same ID). You should disconnect the other devices and connect each device one by one until you give everything a unique ID. Then you’ll be able to see all of them.

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