Non competition robots....

I am interested about hear what people have done outside of first that relate to robotics. Maybe something that uses the FIRST parts but isnt related to FIRST, or some personal robots? Any other ideas?

I used the Vex Robotics Kit, add-on kits, and other materials to build a car-type robot.

This year, 1293 took the electronics from Bob, a globe motor, a hall effect sensor (two, actually), and a few pictures of my left foot to build a recycling sorter. It’ll sort aluminum and plastic all day long–and it was quite a hit at the Okra Strut. I’ll see if I can get pictures–it appears to be the one 1293 creation that I haven’t beamed over the interwebs. :slight_smile:

wow thats awesome, do you actually use it for something productive or just to see if you could makle something like that?

I am in the process of using two VEX controllers and an IFI RC to build “intelligent” scenery for a production of “The Bewitched” which we are entering in the American College Theater Competition.

A while back some members of 696 built a robot that went to India to show/guide visitors around a section of an art museum and tell them about different paintings. It used lots of Banner sensors and NPC battlebot drive motors and three 33Ah batteries so it could run all day.

Also, every year we have done some little competitions to build stuff out of legos. One of them was to build a device that could lift the most weight. I think I used only one motor and it lifted 28 lbs. The motor could have taken more but the axle flexed so much that the gear lost mesh.

A few of us decided to compete in the Battlebots Champiosnhip Sept 24-25 so we basically built this bot in less than 2 weeks and surpirsingly made it to the quarterfinals and was on TV, Radio , and Newspaper that week.

It was an experience none the less.

Talk about warmup for FIRST.


were you with greg needel?

Why yes I was. Our Team consisted of myself(191), greg needel (73,1511), Alex cornier (1126), Fred Needel (?), Tech advisors (Andy Baker and Mark Koors (45))

It was fun, I’m waiting for the video Greg’s father took so I can digitize it.


What was your main weapon

Also since just about all of your team is involved with FIRST how did you design it differently. Did you need extra support, material, shape, thickness(tubing wall), or anything else?

Our Main Weapons were 3 Flippers, one on each side, hence Tetracide, running off of 1700psi of nitrogen through 2" bore cylinders. The original idea was to have a Tetrapyramid righ to the floor so people can’t push us around but changes needed to be made in order to make it smaller. A picture can be found on our team website

As far a what we could do differently - I guess the key words are “no suck thing as Overkill!” We ended up welding 14g steel and using nitrogen instead of a cheesy compressor. The motors we used were powered by 24-36VDC and runs at 1.25 HP. This would definitely wreck a FIRST bot but it’s a different forum. We were definitely on the weaker side compared to some of the veteran Battlebot teams.

If we decide to do it again, we have some upgrade ideas already to improve.


A few months ago a couple of us from Team 237 visited Team 173 (RAGE)‘s build facility. While there, Jeff showed us a couple of chassis’ in the corner and said, you want one? take one.

I looked at them, but since I thought he was kidding, I brushed it off.

An hour later at a party at his house, I asked if he was kidding.

He said no, and a few weeks ago, I was given a 2001 RAGE 173 Full Chassis.

I have plans for this for the winter.

I’ll keep ya posted as to what it is, but it is winter based. :wink:

I don’t know if it will be really considered a non-competition “robot” anymore but I guess since it has seen action in a robotics competition, and was retired for my use this winter, it can be considered that… maybe.

You want one? :smiley: