North Carolina District Championship

Good luck to all the teams competing this weekend at the 1st North Carolina Championship event.

How many spots does North Carolina have allocated for FIRST Championship?

They get 10 according to the admin manual. Here is how they qualify.

3 Winners
1 Chairman’s (Eligible: 3506, 2642, 2655, 3737)
2 Engineering Inspiration (Eligible: 2642, 5190, 4828, 4534)
1 Rookie All Star (Eligible: 5854, 5919, 6003)
Next 3 highest teams by district points

Plus, more spots could be added if any NC teams get in via the wait list.

Why are there 2 EI slots but only 1 Chairman’s slot?

Click here and scroll to page 11 and look at the table at the top of the page. This is section 7 of the admin manual. Before the season started, the district chose how many slots they would allocate for each award. FIRST gave NC First guidelines to how many spots they could give to each award. They are as follows.

NC could have had:

between 1 and 1 Chairman’s slots
between 1 and 2 Rookie all Star slots
between 1 and 2 Engineering Inspiration slots

NC Chose 1 Chairman’s, 1 Rookie All Star, and 2 Engineering Inspiration. I’m really not sure why any district would choose to send 2 Engineering inspiration winners but 7 of 9 districts opted to do 2 EI instead of 1 (Opted for 1: Indiana and Michigan)

Page 8, emphasis mine:

NASA is generously sponsoring the registration fees to the 2016 FIRST Championship for teams earning the Engineering Inspiration Award at District Championships and Regionals that occur within the United States.
They are also sponsoring the 2017 FIRST Championship registration fees for the four teams that earn the Engineering Inspiration Award at the 2016 FIRST Championship.

North Carolina certainly has two teams worthy of the award, but that’s certainly an incentive too.

Ah… I did not know that but that makes perfect sense. That seems like a cool thing to do. I just thought that smaller district would want to send more teams based on district points rather than awards, but that’s cool too.

I mean I wish Indiana was sending 2 for EI :o

Thanks. T-Rex is very excited to have the DCMP hosted in Charlotte, home to the Queen City Robotics Alliance. The competition is fierce with many strong teams. 4935 cannot wait to welcome teams to Charlotte tomorrow evening and compete with them this weekend. Best of luck to all teams competing!