How many Fisher Price motors are we allowed to have this year? Respond quickly please or I will have a not so happy mentor Thanks!
Because 2 came in the kit, so you are aloud 2 total.
KOP checklist on the first site for future reference.
Thanks so much!
Your mentor would probably be happier if you could cite the rule that says how many you can use.
After reading the rules, we are still not clear whether there is a limit to the amount of fisher price motors we can use.
Has anyone heard anything?
Motors specifically permitted on 2010 FRC ROBOTS include:
A. All motors, actuators, and servos listed in the 2010 KOP,
B. An unlimited number of COTS servos with a maximum output torque of 55 oz-in and maximum rotational speed of 100 rpm at 6 Vdc (e.g. HITEC model HS-322HD or HS-325HB servos, as provided in the KOP),
C. An unlimited number of FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC) servos (HITEC HS-475HB servos),
D. One, two, or three additional 2½” CIM motors (part #FR801-001 and/or M4-R0062-12) in addition to those provided in the KOP. This means that up to five, and no more, 2½” CIM motors can be used on the ROBOT.
E. Identical one-to-one SPARE PARTS for motors, actuators, and servos provided in the 2010 KOP that may have failed or become damaged.
One-to-one spares, meaning that if you are given 2 FP Motors, then you can only use 2FP Motors. You can have as many spares as you want, but you can only replace what you have originally been given.