Numbering of floor notes

It occurs to me that alliance partners are going to need to quickly coordinate their autos as to who is going for which floor notes, in order to avoid collisions. For quick and accurate communication in that regard, is anyone up for standardizing a numbering of the floor notes? My suggestion would be 1-5 for centerline notes, top to bottom, and 6,7,8 for the in-zone notes, top to bottom. Other ideas?

You’re almost certainly going to run into teams that don’t pay attention to CD or these kinds of chats.

In those instances (which will be in most of your matches), you’ll have to discuss that definition first and then try to fight through the confusion as you discuss numbers instead of locations.

I’d be willing to bet this is one of those things that sounds great in theory but runs into a frustrating experience in reality.


Well, the idea is that it would be an informal standard that you would propose to alliance partners who had no definite labelling of their own, or that you could map onto their labelling if they do have one. The problem is that discussing “locations” is going to either have a lot of ambiguity (“2nd from which wall?” “What do you mean by ‘source’ wall?” “Are you talking centerline or zone?” “Do you mean mid of field or mid of the zone notes?”) or be highly verbose, or both, and both of which will be big problems of their own, especially for non-English speakers.

And when multiple teams have a multitude of autos to choose from, the combinatorics make it important to be very quick, and precise.

I means ideally every team bring a fresh page or whiteboard with a map of the field on it so note assignments to teams can be worked out and marked visually, but how many teams have you seen do that either?

shouldn’t notes be named? Like: A♯, B♭, C♮ and so on :wink:


:grinning: Yeah, it would have been great for the Manual team to have labeled the spike marks with such notes, whether logical or random. Because then there would be a standard notation (:astonished:) at least.


So if you need to describe them to partners, how about Left, Left Center, Center, Right Center and Right for the Can Wars NOTES in the middle, and Left, Center and Right for your own?


Ambiguous. You’d have to further qualify. Centerline Left vs. Zone Left etc… And even then it remains confusing. “Did you say Center Left or Centerline Left?!”

This is what I used when exploring different autos, because it would be confusing just using numbers since you wouldn’t know if notes 1, 2, 3, are the wing (in-zone) notes or the first 3 center notes. Also C1 would be the easiest center note to get so it makes more sense that it’s 1 and not 5. Probably not the best solution tho, this is just what I came up with, and it would be better to just use a whiteboard/paper.


Compared to 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5? I love the energy but I think you’re overestimating your ability to get teams around the world to adopt some unofficial standard.

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I think using basic directions would be more beneficial than numbers, referring to the notes based on where they are placed on the field. Basic left, center, and right. Beyond that, you might be able to just point and say, “The second one from the left in the middle,” and be able to get the point across.

The directions are different for red alliance and blue alliance and people likely wouldn’t remember which alliance has which note on which side

I think just call them by their field position, since anyway when discussing auto it’s important to know where the robot will shoot, and also what path it will take.

There are no defined terms for field position either. ?

I mean like “(close) (left/middle/right)” and “(far/midfield) (far left, middle left, middle right, far right)”.

I named them in our scouting app as to what they are closest to:

  • blue amp
  • blue mid amp
  • blue mid
  • centerline amp
  • centerline mid amp
  • centerline mid
  • centerline mid source
  • centerline source
  • red amp
  • red mid amp
  • red mid

I use “mid” for the middle of the field to easily distinguish between it and the centerline. I also prefer “closer to the amp” side to “left” or “right” since those change based on which side of the field you are on.

I’ll also point out the driver stations are number from next to the source this year. That would be 1 at the “bottom” of the field. From page 30 in the manual:


That’s only true for the red side. The numbering is the same as in past years - if you’re standing in the driver station facing the field, station 1 is on your left and 3 is on your right.

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I guess that means I need to swap the blue drivers station order that I put in our scouting app

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