While watching the webcast today, I saw that, from what I could see, every team at VCU has large, ugly number stickers on their 'bots. They all looked the same.
I realize, of course, that the team number is required to be on the robot. But, were these numbers distributed at VCU, and were they required for your robot?
There wasn’t any similar occurrence at KSC today, so I thought it might be something that’s limited to VCU - but, I think they’re ugly and I was just wondering if it’s something we can expect at Long Island next week.
If you make your robot have numbers to spec with the rulebook then you shouldn’t have to use any numbers FIRST provides, should they provide them at all.
All the numbers at VCU were of the teams’ own making. FIRST did not distribute numbers at all. I guess the teams there just didn’t have the same fashion sense as you (I didn’t find many ugly ones).
I thought the numbers on our bot were very pretty, thank you very much!! Seriously though, I did notice the same thing that you did. Our numbers were blue on one side, red on the other in a nice font and shaded. Many teams had block numbers on white backgrounds. Just a freak occurance though, if you ask me.
I know that at the SCRRF scrimmage, they had a lable manufacturer on hand to make team numbers, so many teams at LA will have similar numbers. Maybe a similar thing happened in the Virginia area.