If you are interested in using Jetson TX1 for your robot, we are offering all teams a $299 discount for Jetson TX1. You can obtain your discount code through here: http://www.nvidia.com/object/edu-discount.html The discount codes are send out every Mon/Wed/Fri.
Also, Jetson TK1 is included in the Kit of Parts. You can obtain with FIRST credits.
NVIDIA’s Jetson platform includes powerful software libraries like GPU-accelerated OpenCV, VisionWorks, and cuDNN/Caffe for deep learning. Leverage them to unleash the 1TFLOP+ of compute capability offered by JTX1 module and power your robot with smarter brains and advanced onboard autonomy.
We’ll keep an eye here on ChiefDelphi to help out anyone with assistance, but also feel free to post board-specific tech support questions on NVIDIA’s Developer Forums to quickly tap into the knowledge base of the Jetson community.
Like yourselves, we’re also robot builders and tinkerers over here at NVIDIA, and nothing gets us more fired up then helping others enable their work. Hope to meet each of you out on the circuit and good luck!
Thanks Dustin for citing us! The Jetson TX1 is indeed the perfect companion board for the ZED.
As you said, we’ll offering during the competition a special price for FRC teams who want to use the ZED 3D camera for their robots. You can find more details here on our blog.
During the competition, we’ll be here to help you, so feel free to contact our support team if you need anything. We wish you the best of luck for the upcoming Stronghold challenge!
Any ideas on feasibility of getting labview(vision module specifically) running on the tx1 or tk1?
We’re looking at using a ZED(http://www.stereolabs.com) camera with either a tk1 or tx1 and am already familiar with labview vision so if possibly would want to explore that path.
Go to the Nvidia site and get in touch. They should be able to help you. I’ve seen some comments about international discounts on the Nvidia developer forums as well.
I am aware that LabView cannot be used to program the JTK1, but that alone does not mean it is entirely incompatible. What I/O does the JTK1 have that can be used for bi-directional communication with the RoboRIO?
Before you pick one… ask yourself what data you are sending and where, and why you are sending it. Some data that gets sent does not always need to get sent…
We used NetworkTables last year but we’ve found it to be slow for our purposes this year so we are investigating alternatives.
Anyone using a ZED with a TX1? I have it working on a tk1 but still run into issues with image corruptions. I had to buy a mini pci-e USB module for the mouse and keyboard otherwise it was completely unusable with the zed going over a hub. So now only have the zed is on the usb 3 port but it still has sporadic image corruption. At least it’s semi-usable now but still dog slow. The depth viewer only achieves around 5-8fps and some other examples not much better than that so if anyone has some data on the tx1 that would be awesome before we spend the money on something that may not be much, if any, better
By the way, the LV network tables implementation allows you to control the update rate of the client/server, and it includes a flush call to force a send. Using the flush, and perhaps the rate, you should be able to get NT to have as little latency as a TCP implementation.
I’m not sure how much of this was incorporated into the v3 or network tables, but it was discussed.
Of course if the kids wanna write their own stuff, that is fine too.