NYC Regional looking for volunteers

I’m the co-volunteer coordinator for the NYC Regional (April 5-7). We are a little behind on filling roles compared to where we normally are this time of year so reaching out here on CD!

In particular, we have some interesting roles still open where it helps to have people who know about the FIRST ecosystem (vs random volunteers)

  • Friday - info desk/alumni tours
  • Friday - pit announcer
  • Friday/Sunday - practice field supervisor
  • Saturday/Sunday - flag management
  • Saturday/Sunday - info desk
  • Friday/Saturday/Sunday - Official Scorer (I actually do have this role filled, but the final person would rather be doing something else. So if I find someone who prefers Official Scorer, I can switch him. I’m hoping now that week one is over, people saw this is a job with a great view!
  • 1-3 days - Photographer (oddly this is usually a popular role)
  • 1-3 days - Pit admin support/spare parts
  • 1-3 days - VIP checkin

If you have any questions, please post here or email us at [email protected].


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